May 12: Celebratory kiss OR First time/Last time

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They had won. Honestly she wasn't sure if they would. Sure Raven had gone up against Trigon before, twice actually, and won. But this was different. For one, the men that they had faced off weren't her Father, or men. Rather they were demons; her half-brothers to be exact.

Only three of them were present. Kuko, Gutizia, and Zilevo. Or more commonly known as Lust, Wrath, and Greed. They were powerful and could easily become like their Father, which was all that they wanted. To them being like Trigon was the only thing that mattered. Unfortunately it seemed like they were born without a brain, most demons were. If they didn't have a master to serve then they'd cause chaos for the sake of causing it, instead of having an actual reason, like world domination.

She had to admit that she was surprised that, between the three of them, they had enough brain cells to even think about attacking. The Justice League hadn't expected it, The Titans hadn't, and honestly neither had she. She assumed that they would have chopped each other's heads off or something, considering they always bickered. Seeing as their only purpose was to serve Trigon, they all wanted him to like them and treat them as equals. Considering that her Father didn't even treat her with respect, his gateway, she found it foolish of them to think that he would ever treat them like they were equals.

Most of the time it was annoying, but sometimes she liked to see them talk about how Father would be proud of them. It made her realize that even the enslaved could have hope. Of course it got annoying when they would fight for his approval, but they were the ones who had inspired her to trap Trigon and move to earth. Her brothers did not take kindly to the fact that she had done this, but had never gone after her. That was until now.

She was almost taken in the middle of the night, thankfully Damian had sensed something wrong with her through the bond. He rushed to her room, awakening the other Titans simultaneously. When he had opened her room door he was met with a smashing chair. Raven was in the middle of the room, eyes going dark, objects encased with black energy around her. A few moments later she dropped, along with everything else. After she woke up in the medical bay the next morning everyone had questions. She told them about her brother and how she didn't think it was a thing to mention before because they were mindless idiots.

Every couple of weeks after that there would be calls about demonic energy. People reporting that they had seen these monsters. Women and men being raped by them or having their items stolen. Then they attacked the tower. It had taken all The Titans strength and three hours of non-stop assaults to get them to stop. Using their magic together made them better opponents. Eventually Damian had cut all three of their heads off at once while Raven had encased them with her magic. Shouting at them in her native tongue. Who knew demons understood Azarathian? After she had yelled at them for a bit -later telling her teammates that she was just cursing at them- she had damned them back to hell.

"Your family seems like a nightmare," Damian said, walking up to her. As soon as she sent them back she had been on the roof mediating, not even taking time to clean her wounds. "Like your's is so great. an Al Guhl and a Wayne. The League of Assassins and the Batfam" she remarked. "I guess both our families sucks" he said, coming to sit down next to her, his feet dangling off the side of the T-shaped tower. "That's a given" she replied, floating down next to him. Opening her eyes she looked off into the water.

"I'm fine" she said, sensing the worry in him. "If that were true you wouldn't have fresh blood dripping from your lips right now" he muttered, raising an eyebrow at her. her hands came up to her mouth to wipe it away but she wiped on the wrong side. "Wrong side" he mused, smiling to himself slightly. Moving her hand to the other side she attempted again, but failed. Before she could try for the third time his hand came up and he wiped the blood with his thumb. He then proceeded to have his hand rest against her cheek as he looked into his maskless eyes bored into hers. Outwardly she didn't have much of a reaction to the odd display of affection, inwardly she thought her heart would beat out of her chest.

Damian and Raven liked each other. They knew it. Their teammates knew it. His family knew it. Still, they were not dating, or kissed. Neither one of them was used to being touched so mutually they had agreed to take things slow. At first they wouldn't even graze one another's hands.

Over time they had become more comfortable with the idea of touching the other to show affection. They would frequently hug after a battle or casually lean on the other. Damian would more often than not help carry her when the weight of her father's words and constant fighting became too much for her physical body. So yes, they were more comfortable with one another but still, they had not kiss. Each of them realized that if they did kiss, then whatever they had would become 'official' and both of them were scared.

However, looking at each other now. They both realized that they wanted this. Coming to terms with the fact that, although they may not act like it, they wanted to be loved. Slowly they both leaned in, almost as if gravity was making them do it.

It was the best kiss Raven ever had. Most likely because everyone else who kissed her were much older demons who thought that she was a naive hybrid and would gladly let them have whatever she had to offer -and being Trigon the Terrible's daughter, that was a lot- because she was in love. When these demons found out that forcefully kissing her without consent wouldn't make her love them, they tried to get her in bed. But Damian was different. He was slow and gentle, nervous at first. This was his first kiss.

He was always training when he was with the league, and Raven had been one of the few girls he met his age that didn't throw themselves at him. After a while he started to kiss her more passionately.

However she had broken away when he bit on her lower lip. Not because she wasn't enjoying herself or that she didn't want to, because she did. Rather because her Father had started yelling at her, again. Telling him to "quiet down" and that she'll "never release" him, she looked at Damian leaning in again.

Later that evening The Titans had ordered a bunch of pizza to celebrate the defeat of her brothers. Damian and Raven though, were celebrating something else. The start of a new relationship.

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