May 15: Meet the Family

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Bruce: He knew of her, he knew of every hero. Every Titan and every magical being on Earth; in some cases off Earth too. He hadn't seen what she could do, not like the rest of the League had, he was unconscious before he could witness the extent. He did see some of her powers, though. He assumed that she was far stronger than the demons that had wished to possess him years ago. He found it strange that Damian had fallen in love with the empath. For being the "world's greatest detective" he couldn't believe he hadn't seen the signs before. But knew first hand how great love could be. He was glad that his son had the opportunity to have these emotions, and those emotions were reciprocated. There was this bittersweet feeling he had as he saw the way his son helped her out of the limo. He was growing up, experiencing a world outside of masks and assassins. He liked Raven, liked the way Damian always felt more calm around her. Like that she carried herself with this grace and elegance. Most importantly, liked her hope; that despite everything that had been said -to her and damian- that they rose above everyone else's words. He didn't doubt for a moment she would make a great addition to the Bat Family.

Dick: He had fought alongside the two birds for years now, so it came as no surprise when they announced they were dating. The thing that had shocked him was how long it took for them to realize their feelings, but apparently he wasn't as good of a detective as he thought. The two had been going out for six months before they had officially told anyone. Everyone -including Kori, Bruce, and him- had been kept in the dark of their growing relationship. Even after everyone found out about them they still acted as they did the day before. He knew that they weren't exactly normal but they were still teenagers, he expected them to be all over each other. But even now, as they all stood in front of the couple, they didn't even hold hands. But Dick knew that they had a connection that ran far deeper than physical contact; they had a bond, as Damian put it.

Jason: He didn't know her, had never seen her face or abilities. It was safe to say that he knew absolutely nothing about Raven Roth, except that she was crazy enough to go out with the baby bat. He pondered on the different types of mental problems she could possibly have to go out with him. He briefly wondered if they should take her to Arkham Asylum. As he looked her over he couldn't deny that she was very pretty. He noted that she was different then most girls he and his brothers took home. While they were more fond of colour haired girls -white, red, blonde- and girls who had a slight edge, girls who civilians would think undesirable for their beauty. That wasn't Raven, she had black hair and he didn't doubt that most men wouldn't approach her out of fear. While all the women The Wayne men dated were dangerous, Raven was intimidating. A lot like the women Bruce had brung back. Grinning from ear to ear as he looked the couple over, he could already tell that he would like her, even if she was a bit insane.

Tim: He also had yet to meet her, of course this was the first time Damian had brought her home, or any girl for that matter. He had all of thirty seconds to evaluate her. He had seen videos of her fighting and was amazed at the way she handled herself, but that was as much as he knew about her. Honestly he was shocked when the demon spawn said he'd be bringing his girlfriend over for dinner last Friday. He remembered Dick saying something about Damian and a girl from The Titans but he had brushed it off, thought it would flame out in a couple of weeks. He knew first hand how insufferable Damian could be, and thought he would have driven her away. But here she was, standing beside him, and was that a smile he saw from the little brat.

Alfred: He could read body language better than they gave him credit for. He had to be able to notice the very subtle changes in a person when he was raising Master Bruce. Although Master Damian kept a neutral face, he could tell the young boy was very tense. Despite never meeting her, he had read her file over and over again after he found Master Damian to be romantically involved with the young sorcerer. And he had to say that she was quite the girl. He didn't doubt for a moment that she would make a great addition when it came to fighting. That she would handle her own and voice her opinions in a stern yet respectful manner. No, he knew that she was a great hero, he wondered though, if she could be a Wayne. If she could deal with the fame and attention, the galas and charity events; if she even knew what she was getting herself into. Because if she didn't, then she would leave, and the young boy would be broken once again. He had seen too many of the young men that he cared for, including Master Bruce, succumb to heartbreak. But as the empath rested her hand on the fifth Robin's shoulder, seeing all the tension in his body dissipate, he knew that she would either be the cause of a heartbreak beyond repair, or the love that everyone marvelled at. And if Master Damian was willing to take such a risk, so was he.

Raven: She had avoided this for months. It didn't matter to her that they had been dating for eight months -although it was only made official to the rest of the team eight weeks ago- she did not want to meet his family. Sure she had met Batman before, worked alongside Nightwing for years. But she had yet to meet Bruce Wayne or Richard Grayson, the men behind the mask. To be honest, Raven had been surprised that Damian let her get her way for so long. After they had announced that they were dating, he had asked her to come have dinner at the manor. Of course she had thought it to be a joke and laughed accordingly. When he had told her he was in fact serious she looked at him with a face full of shock. She wasn't ready to meet his family, she had never wanted to make a good impression on someone. Most saw her powers, her heritage, before they saw her. She didn't see why she would need to sway another's opinion of her, if they had already made up their minds of who she was based on stereotypes than that was their own ignorance. She never made an effort for someone to like her, but Damian's family was different. She wanted them to like her, to see that she was more than her powers and heritage. So she had put it off, until he had practically begged her. Knowing that he had been patient and that she would have to do this unnerving milestone eventually, she caved. So here she was, standing in front of Damian's Father, Brothers, and Butler. Now that she was here? She didn't feel the fear she had before, or the uneasiness, it was all being overshadowed by love; there was a mild amount of apprehensiveness coming at her in small waves from Damian though. Love she felt from everyone for the boy standing beside her, the one they were all here for.

Damian: He wanted to tell his family all about Raven the moment they had begun dating, but thought better of it. He wanted to see what they had first with no regrets, if they would sink or swim; and he knew if they jumped right into it they would undoubtedly sink with many regrets and what if's. So they had been cautious and waited until they felt comfortable enough to reveal the reality of Raven and his relationship. After that day he asked if she would like to join his family and him for dinner every week. She had alway politely declined, opting to stay and meditate instead, and he always left with his head hung low. He had asked her one day, and she had given her usual answer, but he was not backing away so easily this time. Now, as he stood in front of his family with the girl he was in love with, he wish he had. Be suddenly became very aware of the fact that his brothers would do just about anything to embarrass him. He tensed, knowing that this dinner was a huge step in their relationship and that it could very well decide whether or not she wanted to stay with him. Then, almost as if it was a gift from the heavens above, he felt her hand rest against his shoulder. As he looked into her smiling face he knew that no matter the outcome of this dinner, she would always and forever be his beloved.

"I would like you all to meet Raven, my girlfriend"

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