May 13: Forbidden Fruit

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He was acting strange. Keeping something from her, and she didn't like it. Damian and Raven had grown to become pretty close friends. They didn't really tell each other about their pasts, they both kind of just knew. He didn't tell her his mother's name, but when Batman had given them a mission to go against The League of Assassins she could see him tense. When he was suiting up for the mission she asked him if he was worried about his mother. He told her that there was a slim possibility that she could be alive, she was an Al Guhl. Raven had told him that Talia was dead and he didn't have to worry about her.

He of course looked at her in horror when she said his mother's name, he had never told her that before. When he asked how she knew she shrugged. "I just do, might because I've been in your head" she had told him. Saying that he most likely knew her mother's name, which he did. Come to think of it, it was that mission that she had sensed his walls going up. She had taught him how to keep people out of his head, it was a weak barrier, one that she could easily demolish, but it was the fact that he put them up in the first place that bothered her. She would never invade his privacy, and now that he had clearly told her that she wasn't welcome, she didn't see a reason to pry.

She knew he would come tell her in his own time, but she couldn't help but be curious. She had originally thought that he was hiding something about his past to her, but she realized that she already knew everything about his past - even the names of the people he had killed, which were a lot. So she discarded that idea. Did something happen in the Batfam? No that couldn't be it, Dick had forced them all to a charity event at the manor the other week and she couldn't sense any discomfort from any of them. Titus was healthy so it couldn't be that it either.

She then thought it could be that Damian had feelings for someone. To most, probably even him, this would seem bizarre, but she had learned to expect the unexpected with the ex-assassin. There was just one problem, he didn't have any girls his age that he was close to, besides her. In fact it had taken him an entire month of Donna being at Titans Tower for them to have a conversation. He would alway complain about the girls at his boarding school so she doubted it was any of them.


He was thankful that she had taught him how to put barriers up in his mind. Damian Wayne did not like people poking around in his head. It felt weird having people inside something that was meant solely for him. However, over time he came to realize that it wasn't all that bad. He also knew that Raven wouldn't do anything with the information she had, but there were things that even she couldn't know.

He had assumed that the minute the walls went up she knew, she always knew. He was able to evade her empathic abilities if she wasn't focused -and most times she wasn't- on him. But if she went inside his mind, that tactic went to shit.

A little while ago he had told Grayson about a problem. He simply couldn't get Raven out of his head, even when she wasn't actually in his head. It was infuriating to no end and he had researched this problem. The web wasn't giving him clear cut answers so he went to his older brother (Drake was always sleep deprived, Todd was on a mission, and he didn't feel comfortable talking to Father about this particular situation). Grayson had told him that he had a crush on her and it wasn't that big of a deal, of course Damian hadn't believed him and got all grumpy about it.

It wasn't until he had seen her at the charity event that he knew that Grayson was wrong; his feelings for her ran far deeper than a mere crush. He thought that she might have put a spell on him, but erased the idea from his mind almost instantly. Before going to The Titans he had asked Zatanna how much power it would use to put a love spell on someone, wondering if all the girls who were "in love" with Damian Wayne were under some type of magic or really just that delusional. She had said that it varied for magic users, but relatively took a great deal of power to put one on a person, and most magic users couldn't even perform the spell. He knew that Raven was a logical person and since most of her energy went to guarding Trigon, he doubted the energy she did have would be focused on him.

In truth he wanted it to be. He wanted her to think of him the way he thought of her. To need him. But she wouldn't, and that thought alone broke him. Well, it didn't break him, but it definitely did some damage. She was like this thing he couldn't have. Sure he could easily get any other girl he wanted. Even some of the teenage superheroes stared at him or drool whenever he'd train without his shirt on. Some of the more bolder ones had even asked him out, which he had just scoffed at.So no, Damian Wayne had no trouble getting a girl. Except the one he actually wanted it seemed.

It really wasn't fair, but he had realized long ago that life wasn't fair. so he had told himself that he was fine with the situation. 

And then she took her cloak off.

Damian Wayne was by no way a sexually active teen. Unlike his Father, he didn't appreciate the undeserved title of playboy, considering the boy hadn't even had his real first kiss. Sure he had kissed people for undercover missions and to keep up appearances, never enjoying those moments. But he was still a teenage boy, despite what others may believe. So seeing an attractive girl, one that he liked no less, body was sure to bring red to his cheeks.

Now it would be a lie if he said he hadn't imagined Raven's "perfect" body. Nice round hips, a small waist, breasts a size that most girls would kill for; the hourglass figure most women desired. He found this to be natural, biological. She was a demon, seducing people was kind of their thing. But he hadn't seen her without the cloak, and he really wished that he hadn't. she had stated that she was hot and proceeded to take her cloak off. Being comfortable enough around him.

While all the other Titans took to be in casual clothes during the day, she stayed in uniform. He cursed whatever god was above that she wouldn't notice his blush, but she had. Of course she had, but decided not to comment on it, thinking the red in his face was from the heat.

He realized that he was far far too deep and knew the only logical thing to do now was tell her. Maybe it wouldn't make her question every time he caught her staring. As he was about to open his mouth, his Father had called. Getting up and walking to his room as his father spoke. He told Damian that Dick had told him about his problem. Mentally cursing Grayson, he stated that it was nothing to worry about and assured his Father that everything was taken care of.

Hanging up on Batman, he went to a desk and pulled out a letter. It was from his Mother years ago that was meant for his Father, given to him when they were being hunted by Deathstroke. It was how to take care of Damian. Saying everything about him and a summary of his life. She had clearly stated not to let him fall in love, as it could be distracting and make him diverge from his path. He knew love was never for him, and thought his act to tell her was selfish. He could never have her, and he needed to accept that.

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