May 16: Rivals to lovers

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Their names were Damian and Raven, Robin and Rachel. An Al Guhl and a demon. From the moment they met, to when he convinced her to leave hell, to when they were living with Terra, they had been themselves. And if there was one thing about the ex-assassin and demoness, it was that they were very similar. Similar in ways that weren't outwardly bad, but definitely not good either. They were both closed-off, stubborn, and competitive. It was because of these shared traits -or in spite of them- that the two birds had begun trying to up one the other, a game of sorts.

It had taken the other Titans a while before they noticed the game that the two birds had created amongst themselves. It was a game of Titles. What Titles? Any. It was to prove that they were better, more will minded, more devoted than the other. They would compete to see who woke up earlier. To see who could train longer -most didn't realize that meditation was Raven's training, a training of the mind rather than that of the body- and the most prized Title, a competition of wits.

At first Starfire and Nightwing had wanted to put an end to their little game, if only for a while. They were on the same team, fighting for the same side and yet they were rivals. The princess of Tamaran found the whole thing pointless. Until one day they had the pleasure of watching one of their battles unfold. A battle of wits, one that they had done many times before, usually ending in no winners. What they were talking about was lost to the older Titans. Neither of them missed a beat, replying to the other with just as much sarcasm as the other.

Beast Boy, of course, had known why the two birds really liked fighting so much, before anyone else did. It gave them an excuse to be close to the other, even if they were being infuriating to one another. His animal sense could pick up on this tension between them, one that ran deeper than friendship; whether it was romantic, sexual or another type of tension, was unclear to him at the time. He got his answer two months later when they revealed that they were a couple.

This had made the team think that they would be over with the game, put an end to it. But all it did was make the intensity of it increase. Now not only could they compete for pointless Titles, but could now rival each other for affection. Compete to see who the better significant other was. They would buy each other gifts, make random physical gestures of affection -hold hands, hug, kiss- all the while making The Titans regret the decision of not making them stop. Sure seeing them rival each other when it came to arguments and debates, or training was always amusing, but seeing them act cute was just unnatural. It wasn't normal in the slightest, then again, Damian and Raven weren't exactly normal.

A/N: Well that concludes DamiRae Week 2020. It was my first time participating and I had a blast. If you liked my work, than thank you. I thought of making this a short one since all of my others have been fairly long. Until next time :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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