I help where I can, part IV

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The Doctor held the wires carefully. A bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. He had only a few seconds left. He pulled one of them out, then welded another one into the area it had occupied. With a wave of the sonic screwdriver, the process was complete.

"It's safe now," the Doctor said to the people standing nervously around him. "It won't explode, and now nothing can be transmatted to this spot unless you let it through."

He had just defused a bomb that had been transmatted to the machinery at the entrance of a time corridor. He believed that the Daleks had done it, but some insisted it was the Time Lords.
The people had cringed when they found out he was a Time Lord, but fortunately they'd rather have a Time Lord than a bomb about to go off.

As he sat in his TARDIS hours later, the Doctor smacked his forehead. The detonator of the bomb was of a Gallifreyan design! It HAD been the Time Lords who sent that bomb!

More and more people were starting to hate and fear the Time Lords, though thankfully not as much as the Daleks. Romana would not have allowed this, there must have been a power change on Gallifrey!

The Doctor straightened his jacket, his resolve firm. If his people were playing dirty against the Daleks, he would have to redouble his efforts to save as many people as he could. He would not allow whatever idiot was in charge on Gallifrey to poison the name of Time Lord.

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