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Morning, the most crucial time of the day where you have to wake up from your sleep and get ready to go to college and work.

Jisoo: Girls! breakfast is ready!

Jennie: Sorry unnie i can't join because my boss just told me that i have to come early to the restaurant because  its already occupied with a lot of customers

Jisoo: Okay it's fine but make sure you eat something okay?

Jennie: Yes yes, okay goodbye!!

Lisa: Unnie! can we just bring our breakfast to college?because our assignments are piling up so we have to go early

Jisoo: *sigh okay but make sure you eat it! i don't want any of my sisters to get sick

rosé: don't worry unnie! we won't get sick, lets go lisa!

Jisoo: okay its already 7.30 so i guess its time to go to work


Jennie pov

 a customer held some kind of party so they ordered a lot, I'm really exhausted and tired but that means i can get more money, i walk towards their table with all the food they ordered

Jennie: Okay...here is your food and if you want to order anything else just push the button on the table

customer: okay thanks! btw what's your name?

Jennie: Umm i believe that information is not important

another customer: Waiter! *calling Jennie

Jennie: ahh....coming

that guy's voice is kinda familiar but idk, i jut let go of that thought cuz another customer called me, i believe now you know that i work as a chef, waiter, and janitor, huh its tiring but i have to do it for all of us.

Jisoo pov

i went to the bus stop because my work place is kinda far from here, when i arrived there a lot of employees are just working or on the call with one of our customers, i work at a design company that creates "unique but special" clothing, honestly i don't even understand that phrase, i work as the secretary of the ceo which is hard and tiring but its well paid so I'm ok with it, to be honest i think i got lucky to get such high position

CEO: Jisoo i need the proposal for this afternoon's meeting asap so please get on with it

Jisoo: Wait- what proposal sir? i didn't get any info on that

CEO: oh! right there's this entertainment company that wants us to be in charge of the clothes so please make it now

Jisoo: Umm sir you haven't tell me the name of the company

CEO: Ohh right!! sorry its called bighit entertainment and i want you to take care of everything and by everything i mean EVERYTHING

Jisoo: W-what?? 

CEO: Ohh don't make me repeat myself and just do it won't you?i have to go to Berlin because there's a problem in the factory there

Jisoo: O-okay sir i'll do it

omg did that really just happen?i-im going to be responsible for their clothes, i am literally screaming inside, omg...omg...omg my hands are shaking i can't even type the proposal right, wait till i tell the others

Lisa pov

i was doing my assignments when Jisoo unnie called me, so i went outside and answered it

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