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Rosé pov

3 hours have passed by, huhh, when will this be overrrrr

I don't think my eyes can really survive this battle anymoreee

suddenly someone entered the building

i thought it was security but, no, it wasn't

He wasn't wearing their uniform 

Rosé: Hey! i'm sorry but, you need to report on who you wanna visit first! besides visiting hours are way over sir

i said while approaching him who's infront of the elevator

??: Leave. if not, i can make sure you get fired miss

he said without even looking at me

 Wha- who does he think he is?! you know what, i don't even care, it's the hospital's protocol, and even if he can, then, i'm actually fine with it

Rosé: I'm sorry sir, but you can't be here

iI said while holding his wrist

??: Didn't you hear me already?! i said, leave m-

He stopped as he took a look at me

Rosé: Umm sir?

I said while waving my hands infront of him

??: You, you're a doctor here?

Rosé: Umm, yes, sir.

He stayed silent

Rosé: Umm sir, visiting hours are over already, ummm....

Should i?


I'll sure get into trouble

might get fired

getting yelled at? that's not new

huhhh you know what, fudge it

Rosé: huhhh, If you want to visit, then, go ahead sir

I said while grabbing his hand and give him my pass card

Rosé: You need that for the elevator

I slightly smiled

He stayed silent, looking at me

Rosé: Ummm, well, i should get back to the front desk, umm, if you're done, you can give it back to me in the morning

I said while walking back to the front desk

I sat back down, resting my chin on my hands

I'm gonna get into serious trouble, am i?

-After a few hours-

When will this be over??

I wanna go homeee

suddenly i saw a few workers already came

They saw me and approached me

Nurse1: Oh my, Doctor Park, are you alright?

Nurse2: Yeah, you look really tired

Doctor Gwen: Wait, you didn't go home??

I shook my head as a no

Nurse2: You should go home now

Rosé: I can't....

I said while trying to open my eyes

Doctor Gwen: Why??

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