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Rosé pov

we lost track of time so we rushed to the YG taking the bus, when we arrived there it was 11.55 am, that was closee, after we enter the main door, we went to the receptionist and she told us to go to the CEO himself on the 8th floor, so we took the elevator

Lisa: I'm so nervous 

Jennie: me too, what if we screw up or something

Rosé: don't scare me unnie!

Jisoo: Come on guys!! think positive! i'm sure we will do just fine

We slowly walked towards the CEO's room and knock on the door

CEO: Come in!

then we went inside and locked eyes with none other then the famous CEO Yang hyunsuk

Lisa: H-hello sir we're the girls that got accepted as models

CEO: ahh yes hello! and no need to be nervous and formal to me

Rosé: umm when will we do our jobs sir?

CEO: oh well there are a lot of magazines company that wants us to me their models so i guess you will start today is that ok?

Jennie: that's great sir and thank you but what magazine do you want us to model in?

CEO: the first magazine you'll be modelling in is BAZAAR, i will tell the staffs to start preparing, so go to the canteen and wait, you can eat anything you want there while they prepare the studio, and when they're done a staff will call you okay?

Jisoo: yes sir! and thank you

after that we all went to the canteen and eat, they have so many menus here i just want to eat everything

Jisoo: the CEO is soo nice!

Jennie: i know right?

Rosé: lisa what's wrong?

i ask her, because she looks kinda sad

Lisa: oh nothing it's just......

Jennie: what??

Lisa: being in an entertainment company kinda reminds me of you know......bts

Jisoo: yeah, i miss watching their videos

Rosé: its kind of funny actually, i still remember how we scream on top of our lungs at midnight while watching their MVs

Jennie: ohh yeah that i remember, you and rosé got detention because you watch run bts in class and jisoo unnie did a long "speech" at that very night

we all laugh and make fun of lisa and jisoo unnie

our conversation got cut because a staff came to us and told us to follow her to the studio and start shooting, when we arrived we all got our makeup done with clothes and get ready for shooting

Photographer: okay one of you come here to the front of the backdrop

Jisoo: okay rosé do you wanna go first?

Rosé: Okay unnie

i went in front of the backdrop and start posing

Photogtapher: amazing!

Photogtapher: amazing!

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