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Rosé pov

I must be hallucinating right?

am i? i must be, right??

The Park Jimin of BTS is standing infront of me?

No right? don't be silly, ofcourse he's not real

Calm down Rosé, you're just hallucianating

Just, relax, you don't want to be considered as a crazy person

Act normal rosé!

Rosé: Ohh i'm sorry to bother sir, i need to go to the bathroom for a few minutes and then we can discuss about my resignation papers!

I immediately ran outside his office and went inside the bathroom

I washed my face at the sink

Was that real?

I must be going mad!

I miss him that much that i'm actually seeing his reflection from the bathroom mirror



I turned my gaze towards him and-

Jimin: Hello

He simply said while waving at me

Yep. I am going crazy right now

I guess i need Doctor Gwen to check up on me

Or- am i dead already??

Jimin pov

After she ran outside i quickly followed her

When i arrived infront of the bathroom, I saw her washing her face

and when we made eye contact through the mirror, she widened her eyes


stupid. that was all i could say to her?

The weird thing is, when she went out of the bathroom, she walked pass me, completely ignoring my presence

That's weird.

I tried to process what just happened

Did she just-

ahh you know what whatever

I tried looking for her but she wasn't around anymore

Damn it, where is she??

I saw a shadow going inside the storage room so i went there

I tried to open the door but it was locked

She must be here.

So, i decided to wait for her to come out

I sat on the floor and leaned on the wall right infront of the room

The storage room was at the corner so no one can see me

I couldn't help but think,

She's sooo beautiful now

i mean, she was always beautiful but- ahh you know what i mean right??

The last time i saw her was at the hospital room where Jungkook was in

and i gotta tell you, the first time i saw her, she made my heart melt and i couldn't help but smiled at that time

She's just sooo......

How do you say it?

ahhh whatever. she's just sooo angelic!!

Jungkook pov

It's already 11 pm

I was still thinking about what noona just said while i'm walking on the streets

I don't even know where i am right now

I sat on one of the bench there, i look around once more and stop at the sight of a woman, standing at the edge of the bridge

I widened my eyes and ran there because she looks like she's about to attempt suicide

When i got closer, i saw her face and my eyes grew wide even more, and i ran even faster then ever

She was about to walk forward when i pushed her to the side and hug her tightly

I can hear that she was crying and sobbing hard

"I- i'm sorry...."

I heard her say

"Ssshhhh, it's okay...... it's okay....... i'm here for you....."

i said while caressing her back

"Y-you know..... don't you?"

She asked me while trying to pull away from the hug

"Yes, and i don't care"

I said not letting go of the hug

"You know, this isn't the way to solve that problem, right?"

I ask while looking at her

She slowly nods

"We can fight it...... together....."

a smile slowly crept up on her face

We look at each other for quiet a while

but, i couldn't help but look one inch below her beautiful eyes

I slowly lean my head closer

as shivers also ran down my spine because of the wind

She kept looking at me as i can also sense that she's also getting nerveous 

I smile appear on my face before i do it

and at that very moment.....

i kissed her.

Suprisingly she kissed me back, and i couldn't help but smile because of that

After some time we both pull away

But then, i heard her giggle

"What is it?"

I asked her

"I can't believe my first kiss was taken away by my bias, and to add that, it was on a bridge"

She says, which makes me laugh

I took her hand which makes her look at me



"Will you...."

I paused because i feel like this is sooo cringey

"Will i what hmm??"

she asks teasingly

"You know what i mean...."

i pouted

"Awwww soo cuteeee"

she pinch my cheeks

"Yah! I'm not cute"

I fired at her

"Okayyyy, i believe you...... rabbit face"

she mumbled the last part but i was able to hear her

"What did you just call me?"

I looked at her


Within seconds she manage to stand up and ran away from me

"Ohh you're so deadd"

I quickly stood up and tried to catch up with her

(Aut: I'm not really satisfied with this:(( , what do you think?? there were some alternatives but, i decided to go with this one)

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