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Jennie pov

After i saw Jungkook running out of the cafe, i felt really bad, i decided to look for Lisa as well, but when i got out of the cafe i saw Lisa running happily with Jungkook following from behind

That's, weird.

Jennie: Lisa??

Lisa: Oh! Unnie!

she ran towards me

Lisa: Let's goo! i'm trying to run from j-

Jungkook: Ha! got ya!

He hugged her from behind

Jennie: So, you both are together now hm??

I smiled teasingly

Jennie: Ya lisa! are you blushing??

both me and jungkook look at her face and laugh

Lisa: No i'm not!

Jungkook: Hahahhhaa- ouchh!

I saw her pinching his stomach

Jennie: You both are together!!

Lisa: No we're not!

Jungkook: Yes! we are!

Lisa: Noo we're no-

Jungkook: Yes we areee!

both arguing like little children

i shook my head

Jennie: You know what? why don't you both go home hm?

Lisa: What about you unnie? 

Jennie: I'm going to Rosé

Lisa: Ohh well- i'll join you then

Jennie: No can doo! You have to go with Jungkook

Lisa: What? why?!

Jennie: So, he can protect you and stop you from doing stupid things, besides, i won't be able to handle you right now....

Lisa: Yah! unni-

Jennie: Bye see you!! Jungkook take care of my sister!

I ran away from them and went inside a taxi

Driver: Where to miss??

Jennie: Ummm, what's famous in the US?

Driver: Umm, grand canyon?.... statue of liberty? metropolitan art museum?

uuu art museum sounds nice

Jennie: Uhhh you know what, just go with the last one

Driver: Are you sure miss? it's already evening.....

Jennie: Yes, it's fine.... 

Driver: Welp, if you say so

Taehyung pov

Our concert has ended, which makes me a bit sad but, i'm also glad that i can lie down right now, our manager gave us a break for the rest of the day so maybe i can have a chance to use my camera before we go back to korea

so i change my clothes

so i change my clothes

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