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Jennie pov

All the boys are now eating their food while i was zoning out in my own room, i was still thinking on what will i do to this restaurant, will i sell it or will i not and just choose someone to take care of it for me? uhh, it's really hard

Jisoo: Hey, you're still thinking about that huh?

Jennie: Well, what do you think unnie? should i sell it?

Jisoo: Hmmm, it's really up to you jen, i don't know how much this hotel means to you, i can't say that you should sell it, but i also can't say that you should keep it, so it's up to you, because you're the only one who knows this place the best

Jennie: Huhh, i guess you're right, i just, it's complicated, i'm still thinking, but.....

Jisoo: But what?

Jennie: I think i'll just keep it, and choose one of the staff to be the new general manager

Jisoo: Good choice, now, shall we go to the kitchen and break the news to them?

Jennie: Yeah, we should....

both of us went to the kitchen and once we entered, all eyes were on me

Chef1: Boss, haiii, we made your favourite, it's dumplings

Chef2: Yes, please try it, we made some few changes and we think it would be better for the menu

Jennie: Huhh, you all don't have to do this you know? i came in here to tell you all my decision

Waiter: W-what's your decision?

Jennie: Well...... i decided to keep the restaurant

and not even after one second, all the staff in the kitchen hugged me while saying thank you

Jennie: You're welcome, but, i still need to pick someone to take care of it, because i can only visit a few times, and the rest, maybe we'll video call or something

Chef2: You should pick Kelly boss!

Chef1: What?! me??

Waiter: Yeah boss, pick Kelly, she's the one who works hard the most, and she's the one who always prevent us from fighting one another

Jennie: Ohh really?? Kelly! what do you think? do you want to be the new General Manager??

Chef1: W-well, i'd be happy to!!

Jennie: Great, you can call me anytime you want okay?

Chef1: Y-yes boss!

Jennie: And all of you can't go home later, cause we're all going for a drink together! and its on me!

they all cheered happily while going back to work, and me An Jisoo unnie went back outside Just to see the boys all done and they're now paying, so i approach them

Jennie: Did you all enjoy the food?

Namjoon: Yes, very very much

Jennie: I'm glad to hear that, well, how are you feeling Jungkook? Are you better now?

Jungkook: Yes noona, i'm all healthy again, and thanks for the carrot soup that day, i actually ordered the same thing again because it's so delicious!

Jennie: I'm really honoured to have you all here, i hope you guys will come again some time in the future

Jin: We sure will, now we'll get going now, and thank you for the food

Jennie: You're welcome!

i manage to say before they went outside 

Jisoo: Soo, should we buy the boxes now before the drink party?

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