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Rosé pov

After i ran away from the bathroom, i went straight into the storage room hoping he won't find me there

I went inside and locked the door while i try to process what happened a few minutes ago

It's really Jimin from BTS Ahhhhhh!!

I can't believe it, my bias is really hereee!!

and he even said hello to mee!! ahhhh!  i'm really freaking out right now

Oh My God

how do i look? do i look pretty? was my hair a mess back there?

Oh my godd what do i d-

suddenly i heard the sound of the door knob that's trying to open

omg, is that him??

ohh nooo!!

what do i doo???

i should just hide here right?

Huhh okay i'll hide here, just for a few minutes 

i hope he'll be gone by then

Jimin pov

It's been 30 minutes now, and she's still hasn't come out yet

Huhhh, how long will i have to wait??

Suddenly the door opened slowly revealing her head looking around outside

When she locked eyes with me, i saw her eyes grew bigger and she was about to go back inside and close the door but i manage to hold the door from closing with both my hands and foot

Jimin: Hey, um, mind if we.... talk??

Rosé: U-umm if it's about what happened in the CEO's room, d-don't worry, i-i won't tell anyone i p-promise...

Jimin: O-ohh no noo, it's not about that umm...

Rosé: .......

Jimin: C-can i, have y-your number?

Rosé: I'm sorry, what?

Jimin: O-ohh umm n-nevermind, i uhh, i shou-

Rosé: D-did you just ask for my number??

Jimin: U-umm..... yes?

Rosé: O-ohh well, umm, here's my card...

she said while handing it to me

Jimin: Thank you...

Rosé: Yeah, umm, i should, go and umm, see the CEO now so, b-

Jimin: Please don't resign!

I  unintentionally burst out loud

I can tell that she was quiet surprise but, i had to okay?!

Rosé: W-what?

Jimin: I promise you that your boss is gone for good now

Rosé: W-what did you-

Jimin: Please dodn't resign, please...

Rosé: I-i'm sorry but, that wasn't the only reason why i quit...

Jimin: W-what?

Rosé: I'm actually really tired of being a doctor, i want to start a new life, where i can relax, have fun, and i'm sure that being a doctor is not helping me

Jimin: O-oh...

Rosé: Y-yeah.... but, i have my last patient here, and i think that she can go home today so, i, need to go...

Jimin: O-ohh yea, go ahead, i need to see my sister anyway...

We both went inside the elevator near there

She was checking her coat and suddenly i heard "Ohh god" coming out of her mouth quietly

I actually remembered that her passcard was still in my hands

so i used it again which made her see the passcard i was holding

Rosé: Is that- is that my passcard??

Jimin: Yeah, i was actually going to return it to you sooner but, umm, anyways, here you go

i said while giving it to her

Rosé: Soo you're the one who-

Jimin: Yepp, that was me...

Rosé: O-ohh umm, thanks i guess...

the tension between us was really awkward

but when the elevator door opened we both immediately went out of there

Jimin: I see your patient is on the same floor as my sister

Rosé: A-ahh yeah, i guess

But the weird thing is we were both heading towards the same room

Jimin: Wait, are you my sister's doctor?

Rosé: Your Jihye's brother?!

Suddenly the doos opened revealing Jihye

Jihye: Ohh hii guyss, come in come inn!

she pulled the both of us inside

she put me on the sofa and put rosé on the couch near her bed

Jihye: Soo, i see you both met

Jimin: Y-yeah, soo, this was the doctor you said that l-liked me?

Rosé pov

I widened my eyes when i heard that

Jihye told him?! seriously?!

ughhh i feel like i wanna die right in this spot

I slowly move my gaze towards Jimin who was already looking at me

I slowly move my gaze towards Jimin who was already looking at me

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oh crap.

Jihye: Yeah, she talks about you 24/7

Rosé: Hahaa, what are y-you talking about Jihye?? i- i didn't...

Suddenly Jihye walks towards me and she suddenly took my phone away from my pocket

Rosé: Jihye noo!

i said to her

but it was too late

she already showed him my phone

which shows my wallpaper of him

damn it. why did i go that far?

i-is that a SMIRK??!

shoot shoot shoot shoott!

what do i doo

Rosé: U-uhh i need to- go and umm you can keep the p-phone

i manage to say before running out of the room again

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