Happy birthday

498 35 4

I'm gonna skip some years.

Diamond's POV

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Mommy, Miracle stinks again."

Jamal Jr looks at me, smiling. I smile at him. Today's the twins birthday, so I just had a small gathering because of Coronavirus.

Miracle crawls to me, so I change her diaper. Jamal Jr looks at Joymya and reaches for her.

"Knock knock." Jessica comes in the door. "Happy birthday little Diamond and little Jamal."

The twins smile.

"Joy can you bring me some wipes please?"

She hands them to me.

I'm still in shock that my husband is gone.

Joymya runs away to play with Joshua. My babies and I watch. They have a nice size cake and a lot of gifts.

As I'm sitting outside, I feel a warm embrace as if someone is hugging me, when there's none touching me at all.

"Hey Diamond." My parents hug me then I let them take Miracle and Jamal Jr. to hold. I go to the bathroom and return to the gathering.

Jessica's singing karaoke and I'm just laughing my butt off. The twins are enjoying themselves, which is all that matters. I look around and smile.

Joymya's singing with Jessica. Oh boy....

Everyone's singing along. One big happy family. I look towards the sky and thank the Lord.

Jamal Jr waves at Joymya and Jessica after they're done singing.

We all pray over the food and eat.

The cake is cut. After that, it's time for presents. The kids have some nice stuff.

I look up and see a familiar face in the crowd of people.

By the way, the twins are two. "Say thank you guys.

"Thank you." They say at the same time.

Joymya plays with her brother and sister while I go to the bathroom. Am I going crazy or something?

Jessica comes in the bathroom. "Are you okay?"

"Am I seeing things?"

"You ain't seen a 'thing' since Jamal."

I look at her and she laughs.

"A hee hee hell." I say.

"Maybe I need a nap. That always helps!"

"If you say so, Gummy Bear."

"Girl gone somewhere," I laugh. "I think you need a nap more than me, the way you sung them songs."

"Anything for the little ones. We need to get back out there. Your children miss you."

"How do you know that?"

"They're out there calling for you, look." I look into the window and see Joy, Jamal Jr, and Miracle looking around.

"I'll be down in a few. Go ahead."

"Bet. I'm going to sing with Joymya." I look at her, watching as she leaves. I splash my face with water and head out.

"Hi!" Miracle says when I look at her. I smile.

I don't see the face anymore the rest of the day.

Everyone dances to some shuffle songs, including the twins.

I'm really happy with how this party turned out. It's time for me to cut the cake, so that's what I do.

The party winds down. Jessica helps me bring the present inside the house. "Do you want some more cake?"


As I cut the cake, Joymya comes in and rubs their heads. "There she is, little ones. I look at them and they just stand there smiling at me.

"Are y'all okay?"

They run to me and hug my legs. "Thanks Mommy." I smile and sit down.

After the clean up, I decide to take that nap. Joymya stays up with Jamal Jr and Miracle.
Mommy! Wake up!

Joymya's POV

Mommy wake up. My sister and brother are crying.

"Bring them to me." As I go to get the kids, Mommy turns on the TV. We watch Trolls. Mommy falls asleep, so it's just Miracle, Jamal Jr., and I.

As I kiss them both, they each hug my neck. "Kiddos, kiddos, kiddos, big sister lives you too." Miracle smiles and Jamal Jr holds my finger.

"You guys are too cute. I love you."

I see Miracle dosing off and Jamal Jr barely awake, so I just sit there and let them sleep.

"No one's gonna hurt you little bears."
I fall asleep.

When I wake up, mom's in the kitchen cooking.

"Mommy, where is my brother and sister?"

"They're in bed."


I eat and do my assignments online.

Diamond's POV

"Mommy!" Miracle yells.

Here's another chapter!

Did Diamond really see Jamal and no one else saw him?

Stay tuned!


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