Chapter 32 - end of season 2

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Hope you guys enjoy!!

" I called Peter we're gonna need his help" I said after I got off the phone with him.
We all were sitting there waiting, watching Jackson I was leaning into Stiles exhausted from everything.
"U ok sis?" Stiles asks
I only nodded then my eyes widened as I saw Jackson move.
"He just moved!" I yelled out
Everyone got on high alert as we watched him start to transform.
"Mal?" Peter called out as he got here.
I jogged over to him and engulfed him in a hug.
"Tonight has been crazy." I breathed out
"Yeah I know I feel everything you feel." He said as he gave me a knowing look.
I may have forgotten to tell him that I  sort of was kidnapped and electrocuted.
Jackson then jumped up and was started to turn into his Kanima form when both Peter and Derek shoved there claws into him.
   I gasped out as I turned to grab onto Lydia. Her and I were both  in Tears as we watched Jackson die. Peter came over to me and hugged me.
I hugged him back.
Jackson and I were never close but we always tolerated eachother.
"Peter..." I cried out holding onto him as if he would disappear.
We started hearing movement come from Jackson as we all looked at him an heard him roar.
A werewolf roar.
"Lydia do you?"
"Yes Jackson I still love you" Lydia cried as she ran and hugged him.
I didn't realize how naked Jackson was... I turned around away from the scene seeing stiles crying a little and telling Scott he got something in it.
Rolling my eyes with a smile I turned back towards Peter and gave him a kiss.
"Hey! None of that infront of me!" Stiles yells pulling me away from Peter.
We both looked at eachother with a smile rolling our eyes at my over protective brother.
"We saved the day yet again guys." I said as I hugged both Stiles and Scott. The hug between Scott and I lasted longer though.
He held me tight as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Are you ok ?" I ask
"I'm fine, I just feel guilty for what I dead to Garard." He whispered
"Hey he deserves death for how evil he is. You did absolutely nothing wrong."
"Alison and I are over too."
I saw it coming. Alison hasn't been herself.
"I'm sorry Scott, but you have Stiles an I, we are here for you." I smiled.
"Thank you." He whispered as he pulled away.
I heard a growl come from behind me and instantly knew it was Peter.
The mate thing is really starting to effect us as we are getting even more possessive of each other.
"Peter it's ok." I whispered as I hugged him with a quick kiss.
"Come on let's go home."  I Said as I started walking hand in hand with Peter towards the direction of my house.
"I love you Peter"
"And I Love you my beautiful Mallory." Peter whispered as he stopped walking bent down and gave me a passionate kiss under the moonlight.
  The next day I was hanging out at Derek's place with Peter, Isaac and obviously Derek when we found a sign painted in the door.
"What does this mean?" I asked as I got closer to Peter.
"It's an alpha pack, and it means there coming." Derek said
"No they are already here." Peter answered as he wrapped his arm around me protectively.

Ahh and this is the end of season two! I'm sorry if I messed up a little I just can't remember everything. I will start really be taking this as my own story and not following along to much with the show it makes it easier. Let me know what you guys think and would like to see! Remember to vote and comment 🖤🖤

No matter what, I will always love you - a Peter Hale / oc love story Where stories live. Discover now