Chapter 15 - the end of season 1

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Ok last chapter for season 1! I will he doing season two. Just give me a few days to write it down and figure out the plot I want for it. It will not be following season to exactly. I'm putting my own twist on it! Please enjoy!

Stiles did not take me to winter formal. All he said was I'm taking Lydia and I don't want you there.
He's still mad at me for being with Peter.
So I called Scott and told him. He told me not to bother that his mom is letting him use the car, so he can take me instead.
My hearing ability has heightened even my sense of smell. I could practically smell Scott as he turned the corner on the road to my house. I walked out fo the house before Scott was even finished parking.
Scott was fast to jump out of the car though and walk me to my side of the car.
"You look, wow Mal you look very beautiful." He breathed out as he kissed my cheek.
"Thanks Scotty, don't look to bad yourself." I winked going and sitting down.
Once we arrived at school, Scott told me to go on in he'll find a way to sneak inside.
With a sigh I walked in, I found Jackson and Allison. I waved at them, both Allison and Jackson waved and smiled.
Lydia came over to me with a bright smile.
"Oh my gosh you are gorgeous!"
"You are too!" I exclaimed hugging her.
Stiles just stood behind her trying his best not to look at me.
I decided to part ways from her so Stiles can be with her.
Scott finally made it in but was caught by Coach Finstock.
I followed to where the commotion was and saw Scott grabbed Danny and was acting to dance with him. Which flabbergasted Coach. He actually let Scott stay because of it. I laughed as Scott came over to me.
"Wow Scott didn't know you liked Danny." I laughed
"I don't, but it was worth it." He winked as he grabbed my hands.
"Now I think I owe you a dance since I dragged you here."
"I think so too." I smiled as I grabbed onto my bestfriend and swayed with the music.
• time skip to Stiles and I running out to the field to find Lydia.•
"You bit her?!" I yelled out at Peter.
"I did" he said not caring about it. Stiles was very angry.
I listened to the two bicker back and forth as I shivered in the cold.
Peter noticed my shivering and shrugged off his jacket and put it around me.
I smiled as his scent swarmed me. I cuddled into his jacket and he put a protective arm around me.
Stiles gave us a dirty look as we walked to the cars.
We went to this car lot area and found out that Peter had killed his nurse. I was a bit upset about it, but I didn't like her to begin with.
"His user name is Mallory?" Peter asks as his grip on me tightened.
"Yeah I guess so, thought it would have been Allison though"
"And his password is Mallory?"
"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles asks sarcastically.
Mm why did Scott use my name for everything ?
•Another time skip to where I'm at the Hale house•
I'm currently in the front yard with Mr. Argent, Allison and Kate argent.
"Please guys Peter isn't the monster don't kill him!" I screamed out as I saw Scott pull Derek up behind a tree.
Peter was running back and forth around us taunting the argents.
That is until he grabbed Kate and brought her into the Hale house. Allison ran towards it.
"Allison don't!" Her dad and I both yelled.
Scott grabbed me and stopped me from going into the house as well.
"Scott let me go! Peter won't hurt me!" I yelled out wanting to be with Peter.
"It's better to stay here." He calmly said.
Peter came out of the house, throwing Kate down, with her throat ripped out. Scott slowly released his grip on me as I ran and hugged Peter. Stopping any argent from shooting him. I pulled away and smiled at him, I smelt a familiar scent get near me and rip me away from Peter, as his entire body went up in flames.
Which caused my body to burn.
"Ahhh!" I screamed out as I got on all fours and screamed clutching the dirt.
My body burned my eyes filled with tears and I slowly looked up to see Peter fall. He's no longer on fire but I can still feel his pain. Sobbing and crawling over to Peter I saw him there gasping for air. He slowly looked at me and let out a painful smile. Even in all this pain his eyes still held such love in them towards me.
"Peter.." I sobbed out grabbing his burnt hand.
"I'm so sorry!" I screamed
"It's not ur fault." He said
"How could you guys!" I screamed out looking and Jackson and my brother.
My body was shaking from the pain as I cried.
"Mal?" I heard peter say.
"Yes peter ?"
"I love you." He said using all his strength to squeeze my hand.
I sobbed even more.
"I love you too Peter." I cried out putting my forehead into his burnt shoulder.
"Just do it! I can smell you! You've already decided!" Peter yelled.
I looked up to see Derek above us and I put two and two together.
"Derek no! Please! Don't kill him. You'll kill me too!" I screamed out.
"It has to be done." Derek said as he knelt down to Peter.
"No!" I screamed.
With one last look Peter smiled, and whispered,
"I love you Mal, my Luna." He whispered.
Sobbing I said it back before Derek could kill him.
"I love you too Peter, my alpha, no matter what, I will always love you." I sobbed as Derek ripped his throat out.
I started gasping for air and I fell back grabbing my throat. Scott, Stiles, Jackson and Allison came running over to me.
"We need to get her to the hospital!" Jackson yelled as I gasped for air.
I started to see black spots in my vision as my lungs closed from lack of oxygen. I looked up at all my friends remembering there faces. Stiles was in tears screaming something at me.
I forced a smile out at them as I let myself go into the dark.
I no longer felt pain. I no longer needed air. I let my eyes flutter closed.
I knew what was happening. And I'll accept it.
I'll see you soon Peter. I thought as I breathed my last.

The end.

I'm crying! I'm sorry guys! I'll hopefully be updating this book within a few days! If u want text me and give ideas for what you'd like for season two! Love you!
Remember to vote and comment! 💙

No matter what, I will always love you - a Peter Hale / oc love story Where stories live. Discover now