Chapter 54

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Damn it's been way to long. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I may be getting a poster of that exact picture 🔥🔥🔥


Waking up to birds chirping and a sizzling camp fire is something I definitely can get use to.
Rolling out of my sleeping back and putting my hair into a messy bun I unzipped the tent and walked out to the fire where Peter was at cooking whatever breakfast is or boiling water I don't even know.
"Goodmorning." I whispered as I came up and hugged him from behind my arms wrapped around his neck as my head rests against his.
" Goodmorning baby." Peter replied turning a bit from his sitting position and pulling me down into his lap.
"How'd you sleep?"
"I slept alright, stayed pretty warm having you next to me." I smiled as I buried my face into his neck.
"That's good baby, but um Mal I don't know how else to tell you, so I'm just gonna say it, i know the gender to my child." Peter said seeming to be unsure on how I'd take this.
"Oh well what's that?" I asked confused on why he's so worried all of a sudden.
"Peter you reek of anxiety all of a sudden why are you nervous?"
"I just don't know how'd you react."
"Well there's only one way to find out." I said putting my hands on either side of his face.
"My child is a girl."

Peters pov

I couldn't tell what Mal was feeling, my since of smell was overwhelmed with all types of emotions.
"So u have a little girl?"
"Yes." I said knowing damn well she ain't little.
"That's- thats uh amazing Peter."
"What's wrong Mal?"
"Morning at all! I'm glad that you know, Do you know who she is?"
"Your lying! I think you forget I can hear ur heart beat!" She yelled out jumping out of my lap shocked me at my white lie.
"No. Do u not trust me? Peter i-i thought we could tell eachother everything."
"Oh everything!? What about the times you shared kisses with Scott!?" I blurted out not even thinking before I yelled back at her. I saw the hurt in her eyes. The betrayal. The look that said ' I thought we were over this.'
My heart ached and I couldn't tell if it was actually mine or hers. It's times like these I hate our strong mate pull. Where I cants tell between my hurt or hers.
"That's different Peter yo-you were dead! You died! You decided to be selfish and get yourself killed!"
It was like a knife went through my chest, Mal has never once doubted my plans. Never once said I was selfish never once said that it was my fault for dying.
Am I?
Am I in the wrong? Do I need to tell her.
Yes of course i do.
"Do you really want to know ?" I breathed out shaking.
"Yes!" She screamed out crying now hugging her self containing the chills she got from the early morning cold.
God she's beautiful in my sweater I wish I could just kiss her and tell her I love her and make all this go away. But I can't. And I need to tell her. It's now or never.
"Malia. She's my daughter."

Mal pov

  I didn't know what to say.
Malia one of my new best friends is my boyfriends f****** daughter.
"You had her young then." I whispered not trusting my voice.
"Must be why Talia took my memories."
"I need some space." I whispered turning around and walking away from camp.
Honestly I didn't know what to say, or think. Malia is Peters daughter. Am I happy he found her? Of course. Am I hurt he didn't tell me ? A little.
Peter is my mate. My boyfriend. My future.
Can I really date a man that has a daughter the same age as me whom is my new bestfriend? Whose also dating my brother!!! Oh god no. Oh gross that's wrong. No wonder Peter hated them together.
Once I got far enough from camp I let out a howl as I fell to the ground. I don't know what to do, if i love Peter I need to accept it. And I do love him. I love him with all my heart. I've dreamt visions of him and I in the future. I haven't told a soul. We have a child together. But for some odd reason some visions Peter is gone. And I don't remember him. Nor the father of my child. Always told whoever asked in my dreams that it is a gift from above. I'm scared to tell Peter that. I don't think I can. Visions can be wrong right? It's not death, maybe it can change.
"Mal are you ok ?" Asked a frantic Peter as he came barreling through the tree fully shifted.
"I'm fine babe." I whispered playing with my thumbs as I looked out over the mountains.
"I'm really sorry."
"For what?"
"For not telling you sooner. For not trusting you. I was scared. I didn't even know how to react. To find out my daughter is Malia. A werecoyote I didn't know what to do. And then you getting your visions and that vision of our future daughter it was a lot."
Looking over at Peter who is now sitting next to my I place my hand on his lap,
"I forgive you Peter but next time please just come to me and Peter please, please don't ever leave me." I squeaked out holding his hand.
"I promise you Mal, I will go to you. And I will never ever leave you. I love you." He whispered back kissing my forehead.
"Screw breakfast lets just watch the mountains and make out." I laughed out feeling so much better as I straddled Peter and started to kiss him.
"You sure? I'm kinda hungry." He laughed out holding onto my waist.
"Ughhh but I want your kisses." I said in a baby voice as I kissed his nose and than his lips.
"Hmm I guess we can kiss for a bit." Peter smirked as he growled and flipped me over attacking me with kisses.

Umm ok so I just remembered they need a ship name!
Let me know what you think there ship name is! Whoever comes up with the best ship name will get a shoutout in my next chapter and page!

What did you guys think!? Let me know in the comments!
Remember to vote ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

No matter what, I will always love you - a Peter Hale / oc love story Where stories live. Discover now