Chapter 49

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Kind of a boring chapter ngl. But it's cute Atleast that's what I thought writing it. Let me know what u think!

      It's been about a week now since the dinner. My dad actually took a liking to Peter they got along some what. Peter has also gotten along with Stiles as best as he can.
Stiles isn't getting better. He's starting to sleep walk now.
He even went missing, and vows that he was the reason Kira also the got hurt. Oh yeah forgot to mention some crazy guy broke out and tried to kill Kira but she has some amazing electric powers.
So yeah all this has brought Stiles to deciding on going to Eichen house.
I didn't go on the drive with him and my dad there.
I was already a mess.
Loosing my bestfriend, my brother, better yet my twin brother.
It was hard. I could hardly speak when I was talking and saying goodbye to him when they left.
Luckily now my dad knows about Peter so he didn't have to hide, he sat right there next me as I cried and balled my eyes out for my brother as I begged him to stay. He was there for me when I realized I'm not getting through for him and told him to be safe and get better.
"It'll be ok Mal, Stiles is strong" Peter soothed as he rubbed a hand on my back.
"This isn't normal." I Cried burying myself into Peter.
"Shhh I know baby, but it's gonna be ok." He whispered
"I just can't loose him. I can't loose him too." I cried sobbing even harder.
Peters embrace tightened around me as he whispered softly to me.
This gesture soon calmed me just a bit but my eyes were still red and puffy from crying, and my body felt exhausted, I dozed off and fell asleep against Peter.
     "She's beautiful." Peter said as he caressed the baby girls face.
Looking down at my arms I now see a baby girl cuddled up on me.
"She is, she has ur eyes." I smiled confused on whose baby this is, and why it looks so much like Peter and I.
"Yeah but everything else is all you." Peter whispered as he kissed my head.
That's when I realized this is my baby. Our baby.
"I love you Peter, and I love you." I cooed down at the baby as my heart swelled at the cuteness of her.
"My girls." Peter said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
Smiling up at Peter I give him a quick kiss on the lips an rest my head against his shoulder.
"I love you Mallory Hale, and I love you Calandra Hale." Peter said as he kissed the forehead of the baby.
So that's our baby's name. Calandra.
   I woke up with a jolt, covered in my own sweat panting for breath, I look around and realize that 1. It was only a dream. A dream that felt so real. And 2. How did I get in my room? And where's Peter?
I got out of bed and walked down stairs to get a glass of water and see if maybe Peter is still on the couch but the house is completely dark.
"Hmm" I said to myself as I got to the kitchen.
But that's when I sensed it. Someone was here.
I instantly shifted and started to growl using my wolf eyes to see, and that's when at least 6 ninja type whatever's came at me.
Growling and slashing at them I realized I can not do this myself.
'Peter I need you right now.' I said  telepathically.
Fighting off the one closest to me it grabbed me by the neck and this burning sensation erupted around the touch, but then I felt cold. Very cold.
They all disappeared after that. Shifting myself back to my human state I huddled on the floor unable to move as I feel like my body is fighting off hypothermia.
Is this how it feels to die ?
   Waking up I let out a howl as I was fully shifted.
"Mal it's me!" Peter yelled flashing his green wolf eyes at me.
I instantly stopped and shifted back at the action.
"Tell what happened ? Why were you freezing?!" Peter yelled out obviously freaked finding his girlfriend almost dead on the floor.
"These things, like almost Ninja type but not, attacked me and one of them touched my neck." I said as I pushed my hair of the way.
"There's a mark." Peter said touching it.
"It's a backwards five." Peter said seeming very concerned now.
I started to cry still freaked out from everything.
"Shh it's ok, I got you now I won't leave you." Peter said hugging me.
"Don't leave me." I whispered wrapping myself around Peter as I practically lay on top of him and bury my face into his neck.

Aw poor Mal. What do u think that dream meant? And why did Mal dream it??
Let me know ur thoughts in the comments! Love ya!

No matter what, I will always love you - a Peter Hale / oc love story Where stories live. Discover now