Chapter 51

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Short I know I'm so sorry! But I'm really trying to write. I'm really busy I'm remodeling my room and just struggling with a lot of stuff rn. But I promise to always update this book until the day I finish it.
I hope you enjoy!!

Scott, Allison, Isaac, Stiles, Kira and I got the this abandon warehouse thing, the oni showed and started fighting.
I shifted and teamed up with Allison trying to protect her as my dream flashed before my eyes. This is where she dies, this is where it happens.
Maybe I can prevent it.
I said to myself as I fought along side her.
"Allison! No!!" I screamed as she got stabbed by the oni.
I shifted back to human form And collapsed to the ground tears pooling  around my eyes.
I tried... I really tried to keep her safe, to keep my dream from happening... but it still came true.
Scott cradled her as he cried over her.
"I can't take your pain..." he cried
"Because it doesn't hurt." She said, I let out a sob as Kira and Isaac came over to me  with tears of their own.
"I'm in the arms of my first love. My only love. I love you Scott McCall."
"Allison no! I love you too." He whispered as he cried holding her tighter.
Lydia and Stiles came running out of the building, Lydia crying already knowing who died, Stiles having a shocked and sad expression, he ran over to me engulfing me into a hug crying, I then broke down and cried too.
    It's a few hours after everything that happened, Mr. Argent told us exactly what to say to the police when they ask us what happened. We gave out statement than left for home.
  I am currently wrapped in Peters arms as I cry.
"I'm sorry for freaking out today. I just don't want to see you hurt." Peter whispered
"I know I just wish you'd come to me for stuff and not Lydia." I said sniffling.
"I just wanted to know if she knew more about my mystery child." He said kissing my head.
"Did she?" I asked
"" He said as if he didn't know what to say.
I only nodded not wanting to  argue or anything right now.
"Peter I knew Allison would die."
"What did you mean?" He asked
"For the last week I've had the same dream of her dying, in that exact place, in that exact moment and by the oni. I thought maybe it was just stress but it wasn't it was true." I said crying again.
"What if ur a special kind of banshee too?" Peter said more as a question.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean I think you are a cross between a werewolf and very rare banshee. You dream peoples deaths, and have visions of them. While Lydia hears voices and has a feeling." Peter said
"Wait so you mean to tell me that whenever I dream now it's going to be true?" I asked thinking back to the time I dreamt of Peter and I having a child.
"Yes." He whispered
"Why what else have you dreamt about?" He asked getting concerned.
"Nothing to serious." I answered as I cuddled up into him.
"I'm gonna be with Scott tomorrow he needs his friends." I said as I wiped my tears off.
I can tell that Peter didn't like it, but he nodded his head anyways knowing not to start a fight right now.
"Ok." He whispered kissing my forehead.
"Thank you for being the best boyfriend anyone could have, and thank you for being here for me. I was never really close with Allison. We started off on a roughy start with the whole mate thing and her being an argent. And then Scott confessing his love for me, I just wish she knows I never hated her." I cried
"She doesn't hate you. I'm sure she's watching from above proud of who you all have become."
"I love you Peter." I said as I drifted off with a few gaps of air from all the crying I've done.
"And thank you for being the best girlfriend ever, goodnight my sweet Mal, I love you."
"Peter?" I called out before I fully drifted off to sleep.
"Yes my love?" He whispered
"My other dream I had was if you and me. I couldn't tell how old we were, but we had a baby girl. Her name was Calandra, and she was beautiful. A perfect mix of ya both. We were happy." I whispered falling asleep once I finished my sentence.

Poor Allison😭

But Peter and Mal! So cute! What do u guys think? Why did Peter lie to Mal about who his child is? What will Peter say about Mals dream! Let me know in the comments so Remember to vote and comment so I know it's being enjoyed and let me know ur thoughts! ❤️❤️
Love you!

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