No Problems

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It was calming to ride while watching the sun rise. We were riding through the streets of Cali. My mind was kept occupied by the traffic, cars and people.

"I'm gonna start passing out snacks," Brie tells me.
I barely gave her a nod.

The bus finally pulled up outside the hotel a little before 8:30. The day was already hot.

"Okay let's bring it in," Marcus was telling everyone that was sluggishly getting off the bus.

We tried to find some shade to hide under. Brie began doing a head count. Triana walked over and besides me with the snack box.

"How we grouping things?" She asked.
"I'm actually about to go over that now," Brie said then turned to everyone else.

I peeled off my hoodie and stuffed it into my duffel bag. My eyes happened to land on Tahj when I stood back up straight. And sure enough he was staring me down... inappropriately might I add. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Okay, everyone, we've made it to the hotel. Once we get situated here we'll make our way to the dining area for breakfast. I have everyone's room key, you all are responsible for this, please don't lose it."
Brie passed out cards to Jerome and Marcus to hand out.
"You'll all be in a room with 3 or 4 others, beds are to be shared."
"Aww shit," Raheem grinned.
"Ew, stop, pig," Ashley said.
"Girl, we about to turn up," some girl I didn't know said and stuck her tongue out and started twerking on the girl beside her who I also didn't recognize but she also started twerking as well.

"Ladies, there will be none of that," I voiced and everyone grew silent. "We're representing Henry Carver Community Center. We're representing Section 1. Please act decent and respectful. Don't ruin the trip for everyone else.
For the ones that don't know I'm Leslie Thompson and I will be over looking everything. If you need anything you can come to me at any time," I paused before indicating that Brie could continue.
"Thanks, Mr. Les," she said before facing everyone again. "Groups have already been assigned. Myself, Mr. Les and Miss. Triana will make up the biggest group of 13. Jerome and Marcus will be the second group and Dana'i and Stacey the third."
"I have hats for everyone," Dana'i added. "These hats are so that we can all spot you and that no one gets lost."
The hats were a vibrant orange color.
"Damn, we definitely about to stand out in these," another student said.
"These shits is ugly."
Stacey began passing them out.
"Since you're all big kids and can read I'm passing out sheets that let you know who's group you're in and who you will be bunking with. I did take some of your requests into consideration," Brie said.
"Okay, man, is we done here?" Another student asked while rolling his head around in irritation.
"Um, don't be rude," Dana'i voiced. "We'll tell you when we're done. You in a hurry to get somewhere you don't even know you're going. Calm it down."
I stood back in approval.
I looked over to the voice and saw Shawn posing, Raheem grinning and pointing at me and Tahj just standing there smiling at me.
"Mr. Les, we gone be lit this week," Raheem continued.


We assigned students and their roommates rooms once in the hotel. Brie has introduced me to the other students I wasn't familiar with. Honestly I wasn't going to remember all these names. There was a Nick, who earlier had the attitude. Jarika who was twerking on Gia earlier. And others such as Daysha, Makalea, Breah, Malcom, Tony, Dre, etc. etc. I couldn't remember the others.

My hotel room was being shared with Marcus and Jerome. The ladies were all sharing one. I wasn't sure which students were in rooms with who so I snagged the sheet and looked over it while standing in the hallway. The other students were either chatting in the hall or in their rooms.

I immediately noticed that Nick, Raheem, Shawn and Tahj were all in one room.
"Who the fuck authorized this?" I muttered to myself.
I was staying away from that bunch. Oh wait, they were all in my group, once again, who made this shit?

The hotel was nice though. There was a huge fountain for viewing in the lobby area that we all could see from our hallway. I leaned on the railing looking down at it.

"Mr. Les."
An arm wrapped it's way over my shoulders. It was Raheem on my left side. A presence came to my right side. It was Tahj.
"Tahj was telling me that you and him have bumped into each other here and there around town."
I closed my eyes and exhaled.
"We don't want no problems, we'll be good. But, you should consider stopping by our room sometime."
He nodded his head. I stared at him hard hoping he wasn't implying what I think he was trying to imply.
He then began to walk away, Tahj trailing behind him. I stood up straighter as I watched them walk down the hall.
"You got to be fucking kidding me," I said to myself.

Shit was getting worse by the second. I was having a hard time finding a discreet location to have my phone call with D. Finally I just went back outside the hotel. It was going on 9 so I figured he was awake. Brie and the others were beginning to move students to the dining area.

"Hey," D's beautiful voice answered.
"You won't believe what the fuck is going on with me 3 fucking hours away from home."
"What's up?" His voice became more alert.
"Tahj. Is. Here."
"What's he doing there?"
"D! He's a fucking high schooler!"
More silence.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yesssss, all of a sudden he's a 16 year old junior."
"That man lying, he don't look like no damn 16."
"That's good that I'm not the only one thinking that. I'm lowkey going crazy and I still got 6 more days here."
"You sound like you ain't about to make it."
I let out a whine and a groan.
"I don't even want to be here. It's hot! I feel like I'm in Hell."
"That's messed up that he lied to you like that. I wouldn't even give that nigga the time of day."
"I'm trying, but him and his goons are constantly in my face."
"All of a sudden that nigga got friends too?" D asked. "Yeah, he real slick."
I shake my head. I couldn't catch a break with the drama.
"Just try to make it through the week and back to me, ya heard?"
I chuckle.
"I'll try."
"Call or text me tonight, still try to have fun."
I nod my head.
I look over my shoulder and see Triana.
"Hurry up before they close up breakfast hours."
"Thanks, Triana, I'm coming," I focus back on D. "I'll do that tonight. I have to go, talk to you later."
"Don't let them kids kill you."

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