200 Feet

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The sun was back out the next morning and we decided to give the students the option on what they wanted to do. Did they want to go back to a specific park, visit a new park, stay at the hotel not doing shit? And then we broke up into groups from there.

I was happy but also suspicious about Tahj and the Devil's Rejects not giving me looks and even staying away from me.

I know I wanted to head back to that Buena Vista place because I bounced with the delinquents that day.
Unfortunately those same delinquents wanted to go as well.
"I got ya back, Mr. Les," Jerome said.
So off I went with Jerome, Tahj, Shawn, Raheem, Nick, Ashley, along with Gia, Jarika, Tony and Sienna.

The first spot we headed to was Paradise Pier because that bitch had mothafucking alcohol!
"It's lit now," I said when I looked up from the map.
The girls and boys brought their swimming gear out today.
I was planning on getting some beer and a cocktail in me then off to that rollercoaster I go.

"No fair, Mr. Les," Ashley said when I passed her a non alcoholic drink at the Cove Bar.
As the students stood near drinking their safe drinks, Jerome and I sipped on beers.
"I thought you were like 19 or something," I said.
"What? Nah man I'm about to be 22 like you."
Crazy how different 22 can look on people or any age at that matter.
"How long you been working for the center?"
"I actually used to go when I was in high school, as soon as I left school I got a job through the center. I just love the environment so much and what it does for kids living in Section 1."
I nodded my head. Jerome was becoming alright with me.

The line. The lines at this park were atrocious. After the bar we all made a beeline for this huge roller coaster.

"I ain't got the patience for this, you coming, girl?" Nick said to Ashley.
Ashley looked a little nervous.
"I want to ride the ride."
"Fine then, find another dick to ride on as well," he said before storming off.
"That boy got problems," Sienna mumbled.

Fifteen minutes later and we were still in line.
"It's straight ass when the line stops when we in the sun," Shawn said.
"Stop bitching," Raheem told him.
Shawn retaliated with a punch to Raheem's arm. Raheem in turn put him in a headlock.
"Calm it down," I yelled.
Jerome was the one to separate them.
I swear they always showing each other bent up sexual frustration. That's what it had to be.

We finally make it onto the ride, my little buzz was long gone. I was sober and just wanted to get the ride over with so I could go and get another drink. What has D done to me?

I could hear the girls cheering and rapping song lyrics behind me. And then we were off... until the ride chose to stop while we were slanted in the air at maybe 200 feet.

"Lord, please let me see another day. I'm sorry about that time in 2009–"
"Shut up, Jerome," I said while trying to talk myself out of a panic attack.
"Yooooo! This shit high up," Jarika said.
"I'm suing these mothafuckas if one thing goes wrong," Raheem said.
"But, nigga, you'd die first," Ashley said.
"Like, what the hell is going on? We been stuck up here for like 10 minutes now," Gia said.
"No we haven't, girl, quit lying," Raheem said.
I heard a movement.
"Stop moving!" I shouted.
"I have a watch on, I've been keeping track of time, it's been like 10 minutes."
"What the fuck," Shawn moaned.
"Should have took my ass elsewhere like Nick," Raheem said.
"Girl, keep that watch on your wrist. Don't do us like Final Destination," Ashley shouted.
It seemed like everyone on the ride heard that.
"Ashley, please say no more," I begged.
"Was it because of that time in '07, Lord?" Jerome was still asking.
I tried to stay calm.
"I think they are just loading the next set of people or the other ride is ending," I said and realized that that made sense.

Even Jerome seemed to like that idea.
Then the ride started moving again and everyone cheered.
As the ride went forward and through tunnels it was a good time. At one point the ride came to a sort of dead end and paused.
"No, no, no, don't do it," Jerome screamed and sure enough the ride went backwards.
It sounded as if the girls were right in my ear screaming.
Then the ride paused and went forward again up until the end.

"I'm getting my ass back on that shit," Shawn was happily saying when we got off.
"Can we go again, Mr. Les?" Sienna asked.
I was confused why they wanted to wait in that line again but then I realized that if they did then that gives me more alone time with some alcohol.
"All right. Use the buddy system," I said and gave them the deuces.

Later on that day as night was taking over and the lights were turning on in the amusement park I went on the Ferris Wheel. It was a tall one and relaxing to just watch the lights, people and other rides. I wish I could have experienced it with D. Actually... I turned to my phone and opened Face Time. It rung twice before his face popped up. I immediately started laughing.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," I tell him.
"It's dark, nigga, where you at?"
"Outside on the Ferris Wheel."
"Oh I see now, the lights."
"I wanted you to ride on the Ferris Wheel with me," I say with my arm extended out to indicate around me.
He looked down then smiled back up at me.
"I'm there."

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