This Life With You Is Very Refreshing

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"It's been real, niggas," KJ tells us before heading out.
He had just finished his 3 day bid at D's place.
"He always do this?" I ask then sip my orange juice, it was only around 8 in the morning.
"Rarely, but as of late, frequently."
I shake my head.
"I never minded because he was company. I kind of still don't mind."
Me either, honestly. KJ was cool.
I was sitting at the kitchen table, D was up and moving around the kitchen.
"You coming with me tomorrow to Givanté's birthday?"
"¿Nigga, quien?" He asked with a confused expression.
I throw a crumb from my breakfast sandwich at him.
"Nigga, I didn't take that language."
"Hey!" He screamed.
Aww shit, I forgot. As much as he was an alcoholic he was also a germ-a-phobe and a cleaning maniac. Except for when it came to drinking wine anywhere in the apartment, that was okay. He actually started searching for the crumb.
"Are you going or naw?"
"Naw," he answers while on all fours looking under the counters.
He jumps up and goes to the trash.

Saturday was nice and sunny... as most days are in Section 1. D and I decided to take a stroll to Jackson's place for the birthday party.
D had his hair in twists. I couldn't tell if I loved those or when he wore his hair in a poofy mess. He was messing with them as we walked, idly touching one of the twists in front.

"How did you wear your hair when you were younger?" I asked because I seriously couldn't remember.
He gave me a light smile.
"I was never a fade nigga. My shit was always nappy."
I laughed.
"I sported a trash ass mini 'fro for a minute in middle school then grew my shit out in high school. I trimmed my ends here and there."
"I bet not ever catch you cutting that shit."
"You gonna stop talking to me like that."
"Or what?" I said and positioned my hand just right but D was fast and started running away laughing.
I was dying laughing, we probably looked like weirdos.
"C'mere," I shouted to him as he walked about 20 feet ahead of me.
"No, put that hand down," he shouted back.
I chased after him which only made him start to run away... and he was faster than me.
"D!" I shouted.
He gave me the finger as he panted. I was gasping for air too.
"I won't touch you," I tell him.
He eyed me.
"Nigga, stop, I ain't trying to go to this party soaking in sweat," he said.
"Okay," I said as I moved closer.
He eyed me but didn't move.
I stood before him and shrugged.
"See? Let's go."

We walked for about two minutes before I grabbed the back of his neck. I couldn't help it. He let out a light moan and was about to smack me but I brought his head closer to mine and kissed him. He lost all interesting in smacking me. We stood under the shade and in the shadows making out.
Afterwards I had a hard time breaking apart. I stared into his eyes as I felt my pulse slowly begin to slow down.

"What?" He asked me as he stared right back at me.
"Nothing." I shake my head and finally break contact. "I just love you is all."
He pecks my lips but I don't let him escape.
"You sure you want to go to this party," he says with amusement.
I chuckle in response.
"Okay," I finally stop. "Let's go."

We finally make it to the party that was being held in their backyard. We had to go through their side gate to get to the back.
They had a pool, a grill going and a good crowd.
"Leslie!" Jackson shouts from the crowd.
All eyes turn and stare at me.
I give Jackson dap and introduce D.
"Gi!" Jackson calls over his shoulder.
A model comes walking over. I hold my composure but Givanté was fine as fuck. I glanced at D and even he was staring hard at him.
"Gi, this is Leslie and his boyfriend Damario."
"Happy birthday," I tell him and give him a handshake.
"Thank you," he smiles pleasantly.
D reciprocates.
"Y'all make yourselves comfortable and make sure to eat up this food. I don't want no leftovers," he screamed the last part to everybody.
"You ain't got to tell us twice, nigga," some black guy said.
"It's too much," Givanté said to D and I and shrugged.
"I can eat," D says.
Jackson and Givanté start to walk away while I turn to D.
"I don't think he meant dick," I whisper to him.
He shoves me and I just crack up laughing.

I decided to let loose. It was summer time, the vibes were right, I was in a happy place. I had a few drinks and was dancing with myself.

"Look at you, trying to be the life of the party," Jackson told me as I ran into him again.
"Thanks for the invite."
"I knew you needed it."
He glimpses over my shoulder and waves someone over. I turn to look and see a cute brown couple walk over.
"Kivon! This is my boy Les, Les this is my boy Kivon. We used to get into all kinds of shit back in college. And this is his wife Stephani."
I grinned at them.
"Hey, what's up," I said to the both of them.
Kivon nodded at me and Stephani cheesed at me.
"Hey," she said and shook my hand.
"Y'all are young. How long y'all been married?" I asked.
"We'll be 25 soon and doing it real big," Stephani said.
"We got married right after college," Kivon said.
"We met and dated in college here in Section 1. So about 3 years."
I did the math.
"Damn, y'all were my age."
That was a crazy thought to be getting married at 22.
"Yeah we might have been young and had plenty of people looking at us like we were crazy but we knew we were going to still be together whether we were married or not. We love each other, want to stay with each other. It only felt right and we got plenty mo' years in us," Stephani said.

Evening was starting to come around and I was surprised at how much time D and I were spending not together. So I started looking for him.

I found him relaxing by the side of the pool, on his back with his feet in the water and a bottle in his hand. I walked over and sat beside him. I took my shoes off and put my feet in the water as well.

We sat in silence.

"You got good people around you," he tells me.
His eyes were closed and his head was tilted towards the sun.
I nodded my head.
I looked across the pool and spotted Kivon and Stephani. They were sharing a piece of cake while talking. I looked back at D and watched him. He looked so peaceful.
"You glad you came now?"
"All you do is get me out the house," he tells me. "Before you came around I used to stay inside, never really hung out or went to parties."
He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"This life with you is very refreshing."

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