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I looked in the mirror and saw myself from weeks ago. When I was in my new apartment, with Jackie, getting my tie ready for my interview.

Now I was getting my tie ready to explain why I was getting fired. Even D looked defeated and upset, probably knowing that there wasn't anything he could do. I watched him briefly before pulling him into me. We hugged each other silently for some time.

I showed up punctual from an Uber. Walking through the doors saddens me. I loved this job so much...

I walked into the conference room and all I saw were eyes watching my movement. Some of the board members were community leaders. They all sat next to each other whereas my seat in front of them, across the table, was awaiting. They all seemed to be watching me with indifference. I slowly took my seat, adjusting my tie as I did.

"Mr. Thompson," Mrs. Davis quickly proceeded as she leaned forward. "I understand this is an unfortunate situation."
"A personal one might I add," one lady injected.
She didn't look too pleased with me.
"Yes," was all I said.
"Please tell us what's going on."
I took a second to gather my thoughts before clearing my throat.
"I just want to start by saying that I'm sorry for disrespecting this community. What happened on Friday was messy and should have never happened. My personal life has interfered with my professional life and I'm not too happy about that," I sighed.

I wanted to be honest and truthful and free myself from this situation.

"These past couple of weeks I've entertained having a relationship with a student that is in my group."
All eyes grew wide.
"It wasn't intentional. I didn't know that he went here because he refrained from coming since he knew I worked here and I didn't find out his true age until weeks after meeting him. I know it's my word against his but it's my truth. I got word on Friday that the student will no longer attend the program for reasons I don't know and don't care about. Upon learning his real age I have distance myself but.... things like this are now happening and I believe it was him that had something to do with what happened on Friday.
Again I'm sorry about everything. I love this center, this community, the staff and students a whole lot. This job is everything to me and I couldn't see myself leaving on my own. Since you feel it necessary to let me go, I understand. I loved my time working here and thank you for that opportunity."

I watched them all closely. Mrs. Davis glimpsed at a few of them. They all seemed to be passing some secret language with their eyes.
Then I noticed one of the ladies with a nice, gentle face smiling at me. And something told me that everything was going to be okay. Whether I still had the job or not, her smiled reassured me of everything.

"I had some visitors come in here before you," Mrs. Davis said.
I raised my eyebrow at her questioningly.
"They spoke highly of you and in your defense and I've seen how you are with the students, Mr. Thompson," she pauses. "And I happen to know about the situation and the student you are talking about."

What the hell?

"I sat down with the parent and the student to discuss things on Saturday. The parent has taken full control of the situation on the student's end. A few staff members had informed me of things on Friday. Thank you for being honest, Leslie."

I exhaled.

"Always, I wouldn't lie."
"Thank you for that."
She looked again at everyone.
"We had already thought and talked prior to this meeting to keep you as our Program Coordinator. And now it has been officially decided that you will continue your employment with us."

I was too in shock to register anything.
"I get to stay?" I asked like a dumbass.
"Yes," the smiling lady said.
"This-this-is... legit?"
"You're not going anywhere," Mrs. Davis confirmed.
I jumped up out of my seat and punched the air and whooped.
Then remembered where I was.
They all nodded with amused expressions.

I can't believe that was it and I had my job back. As soon as I left the room that's when I noticed kids starting to show up.

"Back in suits and ties, huh?" Triana asked as she came up from behind me and sat behind her desk. I swaggered over to her.
"I'm staying."
"I know."
"What you know?"
She purses her lips at me.
"I'm the one that talked with Mrs. Davis about you. You're a good adult figure for these kids, you don't mean none of them any harm."
"Awww, thank you Triana."
I looked over and saw Brie smiling at me.
"How did the meeting go?"
"Great! I'm keeping my job. Thanks to Triana."
"And us, bitch," Jackson says as he walks over.
"What now?"
Brie chuckled.
"Brie and I went to Mrs. Davis after you left with your stuff on Friday. I told her everything about you and Tahj so she said she was going to have a sit down with him and his father."

I looked from Jackson to Brie to Triana and back again.
"Y'all my people," I simply tell them.

I stayed the rest of the day and just spent time with the students. Near the end of the day we got a little basketball game going at the basketball court.

"I had fun today, Mr. Les, thanks for playing with us," Dré tells me.
"No problem, Dré, no place else I'd rather be."

I stayed a little after the kids left to have another chit chat with Mrs. Davis. She informed me that Tahj wouldn't be coming back even if he wanted to. I'm happy to be working for an employer that believes me and takes my side. It helps that his father already knew about his conniving ways.
We talked more about my continued employment and how much we're looking forward to the next school year.

D said he had a surprise for me when he picks me up after work. I figured it was his car, probably looking brand new.
But I wasn't expecting it to be a completely brand new car.

"The hell is this?" I laughed.
He was posted up against the passenger door cheesing.
"Well, it's a 2011 Toyota Camry."
"Moving up in the world I see," I laughed and he lightly punches my arm.
"I like the color," I tell him. It was blue. "It fits you too."
I step forward and place a kiss on his lips.

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