Happy And Protected

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D and I were both out of work for the rest of the month. It was perfect timing. We spent days holed up in his place. I couldn't fully enjoy my time with thoughts of Tahj constantly invading my thoughts. D tried to be helpful by offering drinks, which I accepted, and always cooking and such as tonight with giving me a back massage.

"It's been two days," D said.
"I don't want to let my guard down," I tell him.
"I understand."

His hands felt great and gave me goosebumps. I sat up and turned to face him. His hair was out and floating around his head, he had on a light gold chain against his bare chest. I brought his mouth to mine. Our tongues did most of the work as they swirled around each other. I felt his fingers trickle down my chest until they reached me down below. I started to moan in his mouth when he touched me. My lips and tongue slid their way to his neck while my hands went to grip on his backside. He laid back on his back gently as I maneuvered between his legs. I slowly moved down his chest until I approached his waist.
I had no idea what I was doing but I know it didn't take rocket science and I wanted to please him in many different ways.
I gradually placed him in my mouth. I could tell it took him by surprise because his upper body sat up before he started moaning. I tried to place as much as I could of him in my mouth but that shit wasn't happening. He moaned my name and sucked his teeth. I got the hang of it after a while and was understanding the enjoyment in it.

"Come here."

I looked up as a response to the whisper. He was beckoning to me but suddenly he sat up. I pushed up until I was on my knees looking down at him. Our mouths met again briefly before he started sucking with teeth grazing on my abs. His mouth found its way below my waist his lips wrapping themselves around me. His mouth was wet and warm I could feel myself in his throat. My shit might as well have been a popsicle the way he was slurping on it.

"You tryna out shine me or sumn?"
He gaged on me before taking me out and laughing.
"It's not even like that."
"I get it, you're better than me."

He continued laughing until I calmed him down with more kissing. We fell back on the bed, me on top then slowly finding my way inside of him. His head went back as he lightly panted. I watched the muscles in his neck grow more defined, his gold chain looking light weighted against his skin. The sight made me harder. He looked down at my waist with a deep gasp.

"Shit," he moaned.
I went deeper which made him moan my name. My eyes moved to his left side where a bullet once was. Instinctively I went to go kiss it and I'll be kissing it every time. From there I slowly kissed my way up to his mouth while slowly picking up my pace and rhythm. His tongue swirled around mine, his moans entered my mouth. There was no need for restraints now, it was just us. Light biting was happening to both of our lips. I then feel his hand wrap around my throat with a light squeeze. I stroke faster and faster all while he hangs onto my throat, giving me good eye contact. He easily loses contact once I start giving him long strokes. His eyes shut and his hand falls down to my bicep.

"Oh my— fuck!" He shouted with his head thrown back.
He starts to slowly move his legs up and back towards him. It was hitting different after that. I think my eyes rolled around in their sockets because the feels were amazing until they landed on one of his feet. They were closer to my face now and I never noticed how pretty they were. Pretty and clean. He had cute toes. While in the moment I stuck my tongue out and licked the whole sole of it before popping the toes in my mouth. Now this immediately gained D's attention. His eyes flew open and he looked at me with a mix of confusion and awe. His jaw had dropped open as he watched me. What can I say? I see pretty feet I put them in my mouth, I guess. Never happened before.
D came all over his stomach and chest. I gave a couple more strokes before I came inside of him causing him to flinch a little. I slowly slid his pinky toe from my mouth.

"You good?" I asked D in the still and quietness of his bedroom.
We laid next to each other, his head near my chest. We were silent for a time afterwards.
"Beyond good," he replied.
I chuckled.
"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" He asked.
I laughed.
"Yes. I love you too."
We silently cuddled each other.
"I didn't know you had a foot fetish."
I laughed out loud.
"I really don't."
"Could have fooled me, nigga. I ain't never met or knew a nigga that liked feet that much."
"Damn, you gonna get on me about that for now on?"
"Nah... but you need to continue that for now on."
I laughed again. I didn't realize, but I wasn't surprised, that my fingers were in his hair.
"I'm hungry," I say.
There's a pause before D replied.
"Let's go to Stackhouse."
"What's that?"
D sat up a little to itch at his nose.
"It's like IHOP."
"That does sound like it could hit the spot."
He looks at me and slowly leans in to kiss me.
"Then let's go."

"My foot's still wet."
"Shut the fuck up," I tell him as we walk through the dark parking lot to the restaurant.
We were moving too since it was cold out and almost 3 in the morning. I had on a hoodie and placed my hands along with one of D's in my hoodie pockets.
He opens the door for us while bombing on me.
"I can't believe ya ass wore a pristine white hoodie to a pancake joint."
"I will make you eat my ass," I threatened but he looked like he loved the sound of that.
"I'll do it."
I laughed and he laughed as well. It's funny, if you would have seen us you would have thought that we were high. High off of some drug but it wasn't drugs we were high from.

We weren't the only ones in the restaurant. There were a few other couples plus a small group of people our age.
We were seated. D sat across from me but after a few seconds I got up and slid in besides him. He watched me the whole time with a smile lingering on his lips. I quickly pecked them before picking up the menu.

"What's good on here?" I asked.
In a smooth fashion he quietly rested his elbow on the table and turned the page in the menu softly then pointed something out to me. I quickly read it.
"It had me at blueberry pancakes," I said and set the menu down.
"I like them too, didn't ya mom used to make them for us?" He said while studying me with his head against his hand.
"I think so, she made us a lot of different things."
I cut myself short because memories came back to me. And not the good ones from childhood. I felt traumatized now. I exhaled.
"Whats wrong?" I could hear the alertness in his tone.
"I still feel haunted." I looked over at D. "I don't know when I'll see my mom again. I can't think about Section 3 without remembering what happened in Section 2."
I hated just to say it. D moved closer and gently placed his arm around my shoulder.
"Les, it may take some time and your family will understand. But we can do it again any time way down the future. I'll always be with you, you don't have anything to worry about."
I slowly nodded my head and reached for his hand and squeezed it.
"I feel happy and protected with you," I tell him.
He watches me for a few seconds.
"And you'll always feel that," he tells me.

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