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Song for this chapter -  Venom by Eminem


"That's terrible

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"That's terrible. "
Layla says stopping to retie her shoelaces.

I tell her about how I got paired with Dylan for the rest of the year. The very thought of him makes me want to puke and roll in it. Okay, that's a bit extreme. But still, I don't want to be stuck with him for an entire year.

We're on our way to Bakes and Brews from school, which, conveniently, is not too far.
I remember how my dad always wanted me to quit my job there so I could focus more on my studies. Yeah right. He just hated the fact that I got to be outside past 7PM everyday.

We argued for weeks before he finally let me be.

"Let's stop for ice cream. "
Layla suggests, tugging on my arm. I'm so not in the mood for the delicious relief that a mini tub of vanilla ice cream has to offer.

Okay maybe I am, but no. I just want to get to work as soon as possible so that I can finish up and sleep off the rest of the day.

"No. "
I grunt picking at the blue polish on my fingernails.

"I'll pay."
Hold up.

"Deal. "
Who doesn't love free ice cream?

We stroll into Magic Ice. The guy at the counter, Aidan Hayes AKA the captain of our school's basketball team AKA my childhood friend, waves me over.
"Hey, Rissy."
He says, an adorable smirk perched on his face.

"I keep telling you not to call me that. "
I respond absentmindedly as I eye the numerous flavors of ice cream on display.

"Ah but you love it, don't you? "

"I hate you. "
I turn back to face him, putting on that sarcastic smile that I love so much.

"There's a fine line between love and hate, honey. "
He tips my chin up and I swat his hand away.

"You are so annoying... "

"Yeah I know, you annoy me, I annoy you, that's how love works baby..."
He leans over the counter top till his face in barely inches from mine.
At this point, most girls would go breathless over the sight of his shiny black hair and emerald green eyes up close.

But I just observe him, a bored look in my eyes.
And then I gag playfully.
"Playing hard to get huh?"

"I'll have the mini tub of vanilla ice cream. "
I smile, intentionally ignoring his attempted pick up line.

He lets out a light chuckle. Moving away from me and towards the display fridge.

"Oh hey there, Layla. "
He greets Layla, who is vehemently ignoring him by tapping away at her phone. I love my best friend.

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