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Song for this chapter- Woah by Lil Baby



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"So he said you shouldn't rap in his restaurant anymore. So what?"
Linda, one of the restaurant's bakers, tries to get me to 'lift her spirits' with one of my raps, and I explain to her that the sick fuck who is our boss has forbidden it. And sadly, I need this job, if not for the money, for a way to be away from that house for as long as possible.

"I can't risk it, Linda. Tell Chris to hurry up with that last order."
She turns to the main kitchen and yell for Chris to hurry his ass up.

"Alright, then. But you know what? Fuck Ricky. That control freak still manages to have everything under his fucking control even when he's not around. I get that he owns the place but we are his employees, not his fucking slaves."
She says, landing a hefty punch on the dough in her hand with every word.

"Relax, Linda."
I pat her shoulder gently while balancing the dishes on my left arm.
" Maybe I could do it for you after my shift."
And I'll probably regret saying that.

"Heck yeah, you will."
Chris, who has probably been eavesdropping on our conversation, cuts in as he places an extra extra large chocolate donut with all the toppings on the counter. I pick up the plate, adding it to the other two on my arm.

I head over to the coffee machine and make a cup before I realise that I can no longer balance anything on my arm.
Ricky should think about investing in serving trays instead of harassing me.

I place the sandwich dishes in front of an old man and his wife on table 1. Those two are like our lifetime customers. From what I've heard, right from when Mr Goldstein, Ricky's dad, owned this place, those two were always here everyday as early as 7 AM and sometimes in the evening.

"Oh Kharise darling. How are you this morning? I hope Richard is not giving you too much headache?"
The lady asks, placing a hand on my arm. I offer her my best smile as she is my favorite customer.
"Everything is fine, ma'am. Thanks for asking."
As much as I would have loved to linger, I have one more order to serve and I can't afford to lose any more customers.

I walk over to the next set of customers on table 5, one of whom is now destroying the edge of the worn out table and throwing bits of it at his friend whose oh-so-familiar face I can't quite place. I mean, why the hell is he wearing shades and a baseball hat? It's not even bright in here.

Oh well.
"Here's your donut-"
I am immediately interrupted by the weird friend.

"Hello, beautiful."
Who is now worshipping the donut before eating.

"-and your coffee. "
I ignore his weirdness while placing the coffee on the table.

"Can I get you anything else?"
I paste on a smile, desperately hoping they would say no so I could get away from them as soon as possible.

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