July 23rd

44 13 18

I'm afraid the world has changed while I was...


I awoke gradually, my eyelids and chest heavy.

It took me quite a long time to realize that I had just woken up

which meant I had been asleep,

and that I was in a bedroom unfamiliar to me.

I lay in soft thin bed linen with pillows propping my back. A sheer curtain tried to conceal the room but the warm glow of candles still shined through allowing me a limited view.

I lay there for a while and just rest my head. Even though I had just woken up I felt as though I hadn't slept in days. The road to the manor must have been rougher and taken longer than father thought.


He must have brought me to my room and turned in for the night or perhaps he was playing chess with my uncle,

if my uncle played chess.

I couldn't recall if he had been a chessman, I could hardly recall what he looked like. Perhaps he was an actual CHESS-MAN!

A giant chess piece that just happened to have been born two years before my father.

So I laid here in bed thinking about my father and stone uncle until I heard the door to the room open.

Through the sheet, I saw a short stout woman enter. She kept her back to the bed and set a tray down on the dresser.

I watched the back of her uniform as she worked diligently. Soon she turned around and opened the curtain.

Her dark eyes went wide as they landed on me watching her. "You're awake" she gasped looking between me and the door.

It was only then when I tried to speak back to her did I realize my throat felt like I had been eating Hot sand.

It burned with such a force I was sure my neck was going to tear in two and my head would fall off of my shoulders and roll down into my lap.

First, it would scream, as anyone would, had their head come apart from their body, and then it would politely ask for a glass of water.

Though before I had the chance to do anything, - including but not limited too screaming and losing my head, or asking for a glass of water, - the woman ran out of the door and as far as I knew, out of my life, which was a shame because I really was parched.

as though my need for water were a cue my entire body began to ache and quiver.

I hadn't the faintest idea on if my stomach was going to come out of my mouth or if it was going to tie itself into knots until there was nothing left.

I tried to curl myself into a ball when I was introduced to even more bad news.

My legs.

I couldn't move my legs.

No matter how much I tried or what I did, for some reason, my legs would not respond.

Were they there?

Was this my uncle's manor or had I been kidnapped by some awful person and their short sidekick so that they could steal my legs?

One quick glance under my covers told me that my legs had not been stolen from me, at least physically, but it also opened up several other questions.

Questions like:

Why do my legs look as though they had been lashed and beaten by an unforgiving attacker?

Why can I not move them?

And of course

Where is my Father?

Where is my family?

My mother?


My Stone uncle?

Why aren't they at my bedside?

How did I get hurt?

Are they hurt?

Oh God.

I can feel my veins buzzing.

I heard the footsteps running frantically towards my door but I found myself in too much pain to unfold myself from the position I had managed to pull myself into.

The door swung open and the curtain around the bed was almost ripped down as it was pulled aside.

A man's voice barked some orders and I felt myself being moved and lain flat on the bed by two sets of arms.

"Drink this, slowly," the man's voice said putting a cup to my lips. I drank greedily expecting cold water but instead getting a mouth full of something thick and chalky. I gagged as the cup was pulled away. "I said drink slowly he said checking my pulse in my wrist.

"Water" I crooked

"Don't talk" He scolded

Soon a second cup this time with lukewarm water was put to my lips. I drank slower this time afraid of them taking it away from me.

Eventually, it was taken away again and the man sat there writing on a piece of paper. The woman on the other side of the bed wiped the sweat I hadn't known covered my forehead.

I looked up at the man he had a sharp-angled face. Long hair brown hair was tied in a bun behind his head. His bushy brows were furrowed as his eyes flashed across his papers.

The woman on the other side of me was pink. Her cheeks were pink, her dress and apron were pink, as were her shoes. What wasn't pink was her hair and eyes. They shared the same dark brown. "There, There you poor thing" she cooed as she pet my head.

"Don't speak just nod or shake your head," The man said getting my attention.

"Do you know who you are?" He asked eyebrow cocked.

I shook my head yes.

I am Aamira Omenma.

I am Buzzing.

"Good," He said checking something on his paper.  "Do you know where you are?"

I shook my head no.

He frowned and made another check on the paper. "You are at The Manor of Isaac Omenma. Do you know who that is?"

I nodded.

So we had made it to my uncle's manor after all.  

The man gave me a curt nod as he made a quick note. His eyes darted across the paper before suddenly meeting my own gaze. 

"One more question, Do you remember what happened?"

I shook my head no a final time.

He nodded and checked his list before turning on his heel and heading out of the door.

"Try not to mind him much," The woman said holding the water out to me again. "Very little bedside manner, that one." She quipped with a small smile. 

"Here, I was told this was yours," she said putting my journal and a pen on the table next to my bed. "I'll be back to check on you soon,"

Then she too turned on her heel and headed out of the door.

I've been writing this on and off since they left.

Often I find myself tiring easily and having to rest from the effort of recounting this.

No one has come back in a few hours.

I think it has been hours.

I have no sense of time or self.

I can only hope that with time they will bring me more answers, and water.

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