August 4th

22 8 3

I have taken to seeing Aabigail these last few days.

It took some convincing,

from myself and Aarth to get the doctor to back off.

But I think once he realized he couldn't lock me in my room and that I now could get around - sort've - with my wheelchair, that he couldn't stop me and said it was okay.

I would have done it with or without his say so anyway, but better to not have the man who pokes you with needles mad at you.

I talk to Aabigail about Margaret and about the doctor. I tell her about the people in the hallways and the construction on the stairs.

Sometimes I talk to her about how sad I am.

Abigail says nothing in return, even when I make a snotty comment or two.

It's strange.

Maybe she is saying things back and I just cannot hear her.

She has three nurses who rotate watching her throughout the day.

I have not met the morning nurse yet because I'm never awake by then.

But The second shift nurse is named Tucker.

She's skinny, with sunkissed skin and thin long brown hair. I think she's older than she looks but I haven't cared enough to ask.

She seems nice enough. Though she always seems as though she would rather be anywhere else. Which is fair.

I don't think any of us want to be here.

She and Margaret are friends; or at least very friendly co-workers. They usually talk in the hallway while I sit with Aabigail.

She never says much to me while I'm there usually just "Will you be okay if I step outside for a moment?" I always nod and she smiles and steps out to meet Margaret who eagerly stands outside the door waiting for her.

Herbie is the night nurse. She typically has her head stuck in a book.

She must read fast because I don't think I've seen her with the same book twice. Though I can't say I pay much attention.

I push myself into abigails after dinner to find Aabigail the same

Always the same.

And Herbie sitting on the couch. Her Curly red hair sticking up from the other side of a book.

"Hey Mira" She always says without looking up.

But tonight when I rolled in she was sitting staring out the window, no book insight.

"Hey Mira," She said like she always said. But this time she looked at me.

I don't know if I had ever had a good view of her face before.

She was plain. A Round freckled face with a round nose.

She smiled at me but it did not reach her eyes.

"Can I ask you somethin?"

I wish I could have said no. I came here because Aabigail didn't talk to me or ask me questions. She was the only person in this house who didn't.

I only wanted silent company.

I was tired of the questions.

But I nodded.

Herbie gave a small smile and looked back towards the window.

She was silent for a while.

I had begun to think she had changed her mind when she spoke.

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