8| Feelings in The Hills

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I couldn't sleep for shit, after our little outing yesterday I couldn't get my mind off Kierra and what I had planned for us

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I couldn't sleep for shit, after our little outing yesterday I couldn't get my mind off Kierra and what I had planned for us.

Ermias: You up?-5:35am

I had to start my day with Kierra, she made a niggas day so much brighter with her positive vibes and free spirit.

Key: Of course, I'm painting-5:37am

She was taking this upcoming art show seriously, her work ethic was something rare to come across.

Ermias: Lemme pull up and scoop you-5:40am

I knew on her side she was probably blushing with them cute ass dimples reading my message.

Key: Can we get Ethiopian food again?-5:41am

I smiled nodding my head, now we had more in common to enjoy with each other.

Ermias: Whatever you want, you get-5:43am

Getting my car and house keys I turned the alarm system on and locked up my house heading for my car.

Key: In that case come and get me-5:45am

Ermias: I'm in my car now, I'll be there in a half an hour-5:46am

I didn't have nothing in particular planned for this morning I just needed to see Kierra and get alone time with her before it was time for work and for our kids to come back to us.

"Pops I need a favor"

"Yes I made enough Fatira this morning for you and Kierra"

I laughed at him already knowing what was up with my early phone call after I called him last night telling him how everything went with Kierra and how I had introduced her his homeland cuisine.

Fatira was a big ass wheat flour pancake with eggs and honey on it, one of my favorite breakfast outside of the Mexican breakfast burrito.

"I'm driving to your house right now to pick it up"

""Will you be getting some flowers from my garden too?"

This was where I got my smoothness from, my pops knew all the moves to win over a woman.

"If you don't mind"

"Of course not, this is a first for me and I'm enjoying seeing you so moved by this young lady" I laughed pulling into his driveway.

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