15|Biggest Gang in Amerikkka

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It was five in the morning and I was on my way with two latte's from Starbucks and breakfast I cooked myself with a bouquet of roses to surprise my wife with and honor her for standing with our city against the police yesterday.

Ermias: I'm on my way, I love you

If my dad wasn't already there I had plans on putting it down after breakfast to start our day off good, my phone dinged with a text from Kierra.

Key: ksdaosdaaefoaskdn

I frowned at the text like a child had replied back, maybe it meant something.

Ermias: Tell me what that means when I get there

Three minutes later I was pulling into the lot, thanking the man above that my dad's car wasn't there yet so I had a chance to give my wife some dick before work. I carried the stuff for our impromptu breakfast date to the front door getting the keys out to unlock it.

"Key" I shouted to let her know it was me coming inside " I got a little surprise for us"

I took my keys from the door going inside the dimly lit store, Kierra didn't come out the conference room where she usually hung out.

"Babe you sleeping?"

I shouted again before losing my footing slipping and spilling the drinks onto the floor, messing up sneakers from whatever made me slip along with the coffee.

"Fuck" I set the food and flowers on the cashier's desk going to pick up the cups from the floor "Key grab me some paper towels I dropped some-

My eyes looked down at the floor with the spilled light brown coffee mixing with dark red liquid on the floor, I knew this girl didn't spill paint on my floors, I went to the light system so I can see while I was cleaning up the mess.

Seeing blood marks dragging from the desk to the conference room my body went into defense mode, I ran back to my car to grab the gun from my glove box. I took it off safety and cocked it.

I held the gun up cautiously looking around for anybody and looking for my wife, my hands were shaking and I was trying to listen closely but all I could hear was the pounding from my heart, what hell did I walk in on?

"Key baby make some noise lemme know where you at?" 

The conference room was dark but the blood trail continued inside, I took a deep breath listening in closely hearing funny ass gurgling noises from inside. I reached my arm in turning on the lights.

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