#5: death.

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-in which harry and soleil experience their first death as a family, leading to a very deep conversation and the reveal of a surprise.

MARCH 23rd, 2022.

Our day started as it usually does. Harry gets up, gets dressed, kisses us goodbye (even though I'm not conscious for it), and he's off on a run. I sleep in for a good few more hours until he's home.

When he comes home, Luna is usually up by then and the two of them come rushing into the bedroom, jumping all over the bed. Which is exactly what they did the second he got home.

"You're all sweaty!" I groan, covering my face as I shove my mess of a husband away from me.

"I don't sweat, I sparkle!" He jokes which earns a cackle from Luna.

"Mumma! Make pancakes!" Luna squeaks, tugging at Harry's shirt that I'm wearing.

Only a year old and this girl speaks like it's nothing. I guess all that time Harry and I spent sitting and talking to her paid off. She's also definitely picked up Harry's accent which I'm not surprised about, especially because we live in London and she's surrounded by it.

I'm also pretty sure it's the fact that we talk to her like an actual human being and didn't always do that stupid baby talk parents do.


"Yeah, Mumma, make pancakes." Harry juts his bottom lip out, pouting at me.

I roll my eyes and smack his face lightly before he climbs off me and runs into the bathroom. Luna is already out of the room to wait in the hallway.

Sighing, I grab one of Harry's scrunchies and follow after Luna while tying my hair up. I lift Luna onto my hip and go down the stairs, placing her on the counter while I grab the pancake mix.

She helps me prepare everything and sits on the counter, swinging her legs as she watches me. I flip a pancake and she claps her hands at me letting out a satisfied squeal.

Once they're done, I throw one on a plate for her and toss in a few kiwi slices so she can go crazy. Harry practically trained her to love kiwi so that whenever she asks for it, he starts to sing 'Kiwi' at the top of his lungs.

And of course, being as she's obsessed with him, she loves it.

Speak of the devil, I can hear his footsteps thudding down as Luna shoves a large piece of pancake into her mouth. She sits up quickly upon his arrival, chanting "Daddy" at him.

But when I turn around to look at him, there's this look of utter devastation on his face. My heart cracks in half when I see there are tears in his eyes.

"What is it?" I quickly ask, rushing toward him.

"You need to call your mom." He croaks, offering me my phone.

"Call my mom? But it's late over there."

"Just call her."

I don't think my heart has ever pounded harder in my life. Not since moments before Luna was born or walking down the aisle to Harry. But this isn't just nerves. It's fear.

"Sweetheart, hi." Dad answers.

Why is my dad answering my mom's phone?

"Dad? What the hell is happening?"

"Are you sitting down?"

"Dad. Tell me what's going on." I demand, gripping the edge of the counter.

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