✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Zora ✧

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I was back for processing again at the cop corner, they always added details to a light reflection of my face. They all called them – photos. I didn't like that word.

I didn't understand it – my face was mine, and I didn't like seeing it outside of a mirror or the reflection off any surface. But a photo – was stealing, little bits at a time, light from my face.

I didn't mind 'thieving', but I hated thieves.

I myself often stole, that's how I entertained myself around Zour. No, I did not entertain myself from the suffering of others. Rather, I was curious and I couldn't learn from reading or instruction.

I could learn from exploring through touch – with my own two hands, and my own thoughts.

I guess that made me a selfish species.

I... I was a Soulstess.

What that meant, I had no idea, at least not anymore.

I had a way about me, though, and I didn't connect to anyone much. I preferred to observe – or speak to one person at a time.

I was very peculiar, I had been described as such often.

I was aware though, of everything – I was just particular with whom I spoke with, and who could know my name.

Still a mystery, even to myself, why I was too scared to tell anyone my real name.

Only Giovanni knew – and a feeling in my soul was that he now...

...I swiftly forget my train of thought as I'm staring outside the space of my cell, where I've been placed while they update my records.

But... I have a visitor.


The one who stole my name.

And I wanted my name back.


Once I told him – I lost everything.

I stand immediately, after Giovanni is suddenly escorted into the corridor outside the holding cells.

He came to find me.

His curious eyes lock on mine and he speaks to the officers who arrested me, "This one?"

"Yeah, that's her there," the male cop points at me, while the female walks away tight lipped.

She's worried for me.

I don't know why – because I wanted this – I needed this.

I've even come to stand at the bars, to face Giovanni directly.

He was here now.

"Leave us," Giovanni instructs the cop with a gentle tone, as he turns to me and walks up to speak to me.

I don't hold the cell bars, but I stand an inch from them, looking up as he looks down.

What a monumentos moment.

I can't help but smile a little.

Eight years had passed since we last communicated

"Zora," Giovanni even says my name – I did not expect that.

He looks at me now with patience.

I suppose I am supposed to talk – but I wait for him to talk.

Why are you here?

Giovanni stares blankly at my question.

The same blank look everyone gives me.

Can he not... can he not read my mind?

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