✧ Chapter 7 ✧ Zora ✧

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✧ Zora's POV ✧

Giovanni has set me in an interrogation room with a timer of 174 minutes.

He watches from behind a glass mirror – just like a cop corner interrogation room – while he speaks to me and I can't see him.

"How do you feel, Zora?" he sounds smug.

"Trapped," I answer Giovanni's question, knowing Xena in me speaks. The Xena is the universe. Now, I am connected to her. It's this part of me that feels fuelled by her. Her, of course being magic.

Actual magic – running through my veins.

The only problem was I didn't know how to harness it.

"I'm going to start an experiment."

"I thought you wanted to fuck me?" I call out, speaking plainly to the room, "Giovanni?"

"I'm making it fun first, babe."

"Don't call me babe," I look at the mirrored reflection of me, assuming that's where he stands – looking in at me.

"How angry are you right now, Zora?"

"I do not feel that kind of disgusting thing," I am repulsed by it, although a part of me is confused by the concept of anger too. I've felt something similar to it before.

"What's so disgusting about passion?"

I hate that I cannot see him, and I roll my eyes in exasperation.

"I thought we were speaking about anger?" I try to clarify.

"I want to know what passion means to you, Zora," Giovannni cuts off the buzz of the speakers.

I back up to the wall and lean against it, as the door opposite me swings aside and Giovanni walks in... with a volt-gun.

My eyes widen in shock.

However, he drops it on the floor and casually kicks it into one corner.

"You're welcome to it," Giovanni turns to lock the door and then he throws the key in the other corner.

"What is the test –"

"Passive, gentle, stupid," Giovanni nods to the key, then the volt-gun, "Aggressive, violent, brutal," and then he points a thumb to his chest, "...or there's a third option... enjoy your time with me, fuck and get paid for it. I might even hire you... as an... assistant?" Giovanni strokes his chin, looking up at the ceiling, then back to me, "If you're interested – I know I'm not very handsome," Gio let's out a light joke in such a sinister way.

I manage to smile, very slightly, "You're very handsome though."

"I know, it's such a curse really," Giovanni winks at me pretty smoothly, and then holds out a hand, "Choose your game, and let's play."

"...what if I do nothing...?" I whisper.

Giovanni straightens, raises a brow and places both his hands in his pockets, "Then we'll try again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, until you decide," Giovanni shrugs one shoulder, "It's all useful information to me."

"What are you?" I ask.

"No questions. Zora," Giovanni loses his patience, "Do not speak at me. Just answer me. Make a decision."

This was the only time I felt quite aware and conscious of my surroundings in a way that was powerful to me. I could waste it in this room or I could explore this world in a way that I was able to fend for myself.

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