✧ Chapter 10 ✧ Zora ✧

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G-360 grounded me with human senses. Aphrodisiac 7 gave me feelings of my world, my home, through the sexual rush of interacting with Giovanni.

It was the perfect way to get addicted to evil.

I wake up crying from the musical notes of pleasure erupting right through my nervous system. Magic igniting inside me, lighting me up – as Giovanni locks his lips to mine and catches my first breath awake.

My eyes snap open and I'm weighed down, lying on a bed in a pretty sparse room, on a single bed, decorated in plain white.

Giovanni is kissing my mouth softly, he's already naked – his heavy thigh is already shoved between my legs, heating me up from below.

My clit is assaulted by the heat of his leg – while his hand over my rib cage, below my breast, is just holding me – while his other hand cups the top of my head and plays with my hair as he slowly strokes through the silk silver strands.

I want more feelings of my missing magic so I'm immediately locking myself into him, wrapping my legs around his thigh and shivering and sliding back and forth as I struggle to release my heightened sensitivity.

"Calm down," Giovanni chuckles, smiling into my lips, while he pulls back. I feel faint as he pulls himself down my body, petting my skin with his pouty gentle lips. Over my neck, my nipples, my stomach – until he reaches my bare skin below.

I glance down, doe eyed as I see him go for my legs, grabbing my thighs and spreading them apart to kiss my bare and exposed pussy in between.

I drop my head back and I squeeze my eyes shut as Giovanni slides his tongue inside me, to taste my melting desire.

I feel my heart erratically kick up a notch.

Fear pulses through me as I suddenly realise what he's doing.

He caught me sleeping – deciding to play with me to wake me up.

I squeeze my thighs around his head – the wrong move, but enough of a jerked movement to show him my sudden shock. Giovanni slaps his hands on both my thighs as he rises up to look down at me with irritation, "What."

It's not a question.

I blink away a tear or two, as I feel the fear turn to small impulses of terror.

"Get off me," I whisper, "Get away from me."

Giovanni pulls back slow, and then stands from the bed, looking at me like I'm crazy, while holding his hard shaft – which I do not look at.

"Are you having any severe side effects to the injections this time round?" Giovanni tries to scientifically explain it away.

I inhale and sit up, feeling very awake and connected to everything.

My surroundings – the locked door, lit red around the edges for privacy.

The room itself is devoid of furniture except the bed and an open door to a bathroom.

"Where am I?" I ask, staring back at Gio.

"It's just a normal room," Giovanni lies.

"What were you going to do to me?" I ask, quietly, "Fuck me like some kind of pet?"

"I assumed you'd be begging for it all, Zora," Giovanni leans down and picks up his black pants – slipping them on and standing rather annoyed while observing my defiance in the face of his drugs.

"I stopped you because you didn't ask me what I wanted," I explain, "I am not a slave – I am free."

"You're not free," Giovanni motions to the room, "And this is your new... accommodation. A detention, connected to my office."

"Detention? But I'm not a bad person," I whisper, "You're a bad person."

"You don't know what bad even means –"

"Thief," I state, "You are a thief of my soul."

"You stole over 10,000 items in Zour," Giovanni reminds me, cold hearted.

"I was lucid."

"You're an idiot," Giovanni smiles lightly, however, "Z, do you want me to stay or leave?"

"Stay," I answer too swiftly, and now Giovanni suddenly relaxes, but not in a way that relaxes me.

I watch as he walks over and sits on the side of the bed, while I shuffle backwards and sit back against the pillows, and we face one another side on.

"Talk to me," Giovanni pretends to take an interest in his hands, while I stare at his face, "Whatever you want to say – go ahead and tell me."

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" I whisper, "I will become a problem to you."

"You're not a problem to me," Giovanni speaks softly, shaking his head while smiling at his hands, then glancing at me side on.

I blush uncontrollably a bit, as his deep blue eyes glitter with mischief and some form of kindness.

"Hmm," I try to pull my thoughts in order, "I think you're misunderstood, Gio. I think you don't mean to be so... mean –"

"Make no mistake, Zora," Giovanni cuts me off, as he now loses any form of amusement, "I'm only on this ship to make a profit – not to play little love games," Gio stands and leans in toward me, placing a kiss on my forehead, while holding my chin lightly.

I remain still as he then turns and walks to the door.

"Goodbye, Giovanni," I am simply polite.

He says nothing.

As if to prove a point.

He doesn't even look back.

He steps out, the door locks shut and I am forgotten.

I look around. I notice the walls are a type of material – plastic.

Oh, how I hated plastic.

And the lights lining the room. A neon pattern. That will drive me crazy – once the 360 wears off. In a few hours or less.

The bed is comfortable but the room is mocking.

"He's trying to make you go insane," I whisper to myself, as I realise my predicament.

Giovanni wasn't helping me.

He was playing with me.

What Jepson said he'd do.

Gio was trying to break my spirit, through torture and confusion and games involving fucking.

I didn't know if I was going to make it out alive – nor in tact.


I was fragmented because of him.

The rest was going to be so much worse if I didn't find a way to get away from him.

If... if I wanted to get away from him.

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