✧ Chapter 8 ✧ Zora ✧

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I was foreign to this world. I sit back in a corner of my cell as I look at the offerings on a metal slide, in the middle of the room. Two drugs. G-360-Elixir and Aphrodisiac 7.

I was told from a nurse three days ago that I would be let out of my cell once I injected myself with both of them, or just one.

I was now fixated on the needles thinking over and over and over – I was foreign to this world and I was foreign to this entire universe.

One drug, the elixir, gave me the ability to feel stable here.

7, gave me the ability to feel magic through sexual chemistry.

Without either, I was simply this being in a state of terror and confusion.

A few times during the day I was fed, food I didn't really need, and I had a place to relieve myself in the corner.

I only drank the water, feeling deprived otherwise of other things... like... sigh... company.

I did have a few small interactions though.

Three times, the last three mornings, I had a stranger visit me.

Outside my cell, a beautiful small girl with hair as bright as moss, would press her palms to my cell window and look in. She would stare at me and I would stare at her.

She didn't scare me, but she looked scared.

Jepson often accompanied her – but neither opened the door to speak to me.

Giovanni wasn't present at all, and I believed he'd never come back for me. It was very saddening to me, and I wasn't sure why I cared so much.

This day, however, I feel an intense sickness in my gut – a foreboding warning.

It's been getting stronger and stronger, until I see the reason behind my fear come to me.

I feel the eyes on me of the monster thinking about me, before I see the woman.

I look up, hugging my knees, to witness a lady with straight black hair, cut under her ears, her gold eyes don't blink and they cut right through to me, as her fist slams into the door as she looks to me with daggers in her eyes.

I stare back without moving, feeling cornered like prey.

"Why aren't you choosing an option?" she holds a button to speak through an intercom and her voice is as rough as her gaze, "Choose a fucking needle you little wimp."

She insulted me.


I could not have that kind of energy thrown my way.

I stand immediately and I hold my hand to my chest, where my heart beats frantically. I hold her gaze and I speak to her with my mind, you reek of death, lady.

You reek of fear, she holds my gaze through the cell door window, and she smirks as I freeze from her reply, I am a Zoultex.

I am a Soulstess, I answer back, a little timid, you can speak to me?

We're from the same Xena, you little bitch, my name is Star

Liar, I feel her repulsive nature and I taste the lie in the air, you come from my world, that I believe, yet your name is not Star. It is something more like... Eior, or Ear, or Ev–

"I'm going to kill you, little bunny," the Zoultex speaks the real threat out loud, holds my gaze then abruptly walks away.

I am a little in shock she was able to speak to me through the mental link.

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