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A Little Too Much
~Shawn Mendes

She would not show
that she was afraid.
But being and feeling alone
was too much to face
Though everyone said that
she was so strong.
What they didn't know is that
she could barely carry on.

But she knew that she would be okay.
So she didn't let it get in her way.

Sometimes it all gets a little too much.
But you gotta realize
that soon the fog will clear up.
And you don't have to be afraid. Because we're all the same
And we know that sometimes
it all gets a little too much !

She would always tell herself
she could do this.
She would use no help
it would be just fine.
But when it got hard
she would lose her focus.
So take my hand and we'll be alright ...




" Ro , now let bygones by bygones "

I nodded .

" Do not tell my parents anything "

" Izzy I'll have to tell them "

" NO!" , she said a bit louder than she should in a plane which made her mumble "sorry" right after .

"Why ?"

"Because I don't want them to go through what I actually went "

" This is where you go wrong "

" Ugh?"

"We all are here for you but you don't want us to help you out "

"You all being with me is what I want and your love is what I need "

"Izzy you can't hide this anymore from them "

"One day will come when this issue won't affect me anymore & until then I hope my secret is safe with you "

She said and extended her pinky finger , I hesitantly joined my smallest finger with hers .

" Thank you Ro "

" You will have to tell them someday " , I murmured and she nodded .

" It's been two years and it still affects you this much ?"

" Not as much as it affected when it actually happened but I'm getting better . And now with you all , I know I'll get over it "

" You are so strong and Royce will be so proud of his mother "

" My baby needs me and I am trying my best to be a perfect mother but sometimes I can't seem to forget some things which make me go crazy. I just don't want Rozy to see this vulnerable side of me "

" Don't worry , you have us now.
You don't have to walk this path alone anymore "

" Yup . Sometimes I end up feeling that what would happen if I get the fudged up shit get the best of me?"

" Then I will kiss you with so much love that it will make you forget all the f**ked up shit"

Her cheeks turned red in an instant and she took a deep breath .

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