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The Weight
~Shawn Mendes

I want to go back,
Forget that it's over.
Painted in black,
When you left me alone.
I never knew,
she was sleeping next door
With the kid I grew up with.
And I can't go back to her anymore,
no more...

You tell me you were happier with him, you want me to stay.
And you tell me that you needed time but you push me away.
But then you try to take me back,
my heavy heart just breaks.
No, I can't lift the weight !

Put you in the past.
Try to forget you 'cause it's over.
And every time you ask,
I pretend I'm okay.
You're inside my head.
In the middle of the night,
When I don't feel right,
I dream I can hold you .
And I can't go back to you anymore.

I can't lift the weight
Yeah, you stand on my shoulders
and my heart just breaks.
Yeah, you lower your standards
and I raise the stakes
And I can't lift the weight.

[ Songwriters: Shawn Mendes /
Scott Harris Friedman /
Joshua Stephen Grant ]



Next day , 


"Good morning Royal "

"Good morning Ma'am"

"Just call me Jenny "


"Where is Isabella?"

"She took Royce out for a stroll "

"So she really likes it here I believe"

"She does but that doesn't change the fact that she misses her family . After her baby was born , I thought she was doing okay  but I was erroneous"

"What are you saying ?"

"The nightmares that she used to get stopped from the day she took Royce in her arms for the very first time"

"Nightmares? She had one last night "

"I thought she overcame it long ago but she had it the previous night which made me feel otherwise and the way you rushed towards her was remarkable "

"One second . Why was she getting nightmares in the first place ? I thought it was a random one "

"Christian told me that she started getting those after she ran away from her home "

"What does she see ?"

"She doesn't really like to open up about it . But she used to say , they seem real and awful "

"I didn't know"

"She even said that sometimes , she sees you and her parents which makes her yearn for you altogether "

"Oh god ! I really wish that I could convince her to come back with me "

"That's gonna be hard . You see last time when she decided to return , she came back here in just two days "

"Wait , she came back to London ? When and why wasn't I aware ??"

"About an year ago . When Royce was somewhat 4 months old and Christian shifted to Singapore"

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