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Inner demons
~Julia Brennan

They say don't let them in.
Close your eyes and
clear your thoughts again.
But when I'm all alone,
they show up on their own.
'Cause inner demons
fight their battles with fire.
Inner demons don't play by the rules.
They say "Just push them down,
just fight them harder.
Why would you give up on it so soon?"

So angels, angels please
just keep on fighting.
Angels don't give up on me today.
'Cause the demons they are there,
they just keep biting.
'Cause inner demons
just won't go away.

So angels please, hear my prayer.
Life is pain, life's not fair.
So angels please, please stay here.
Take the pain, take the fear.

They say it won't be hard,
they can't see the battles in my heart.
But when I turn away,
The demons seem to stay.
'Cause inner demons
don't play well with angels.
They cheat and lie and steal
and break and bruise.
Angels please protect me
from these rebels,
This is a battle I don't want to lose!




"Rozy, I need you to calm down . Momma's with you"

Royce couldn't stop crying , this airplane ride was too much for him and my heart was breaking seeing him this way !

"I'll handle it " , I told her and took this lil one in my lap .

"Royce , look at your Dad-da"

He obeyed & looked at me frowning .

"Give me a kiss " , I said and instead of kissing my cheek , he slapped me and started crying again !

Izzy furrowed her brows at that .

"Don't look at me like that ! He's your son after all "

"Rozy, now look at what I'm doing " ,
Izzy told him and he looked up with his leaking eyes .

"I'm only doing this for him " , she told me and I looked at her confused

She gently slapped my cheek and that gesture made him stop crying .

Then she leaned it and kissed where she initially hit me and this gesture made him smile !

My eyes widened at the various emotions we were getting out of him and tried to ignore the butterfly feeling which sunk in .

So what if I'm a boy , we have feelings and we do get butterflies !

Then she finally made him wear the headphone without him taking it off purposely . She turned on the music which calmed his nerves and in turn hers . Don't ask me about mine ...


By the by , Royce fell asleep on his seat .

Izzy was reading a book about parenting and I couldn't resist myself anymore .



" You went through a lot alone and if you would have just let me in ,
I would have been there for you "

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