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Sebbys pov

We had arrived back at the house first before the others so I could get monty inside a and safe . He was on pain killers and the doctor said he would be a little droopy , but still fully aware he f what he didn't want . I took him by the waist from the back and helped him walk through the house and up the stairs to his room . Once we got in there he was already in his joggers and a jumper so I just made him lay down and I put the tv on for him

Monty: seeeeebbbbbyyyyyy
Sebb : yes mont
Monty : will you stay with me pleasssseeeee
Sebb: of course I will
Mont :thank youuuuuu ( giggles )

Sebb sits next to monty and soon enough he finds montys head on his chest and his own arm oround his body like he was protecting him from something he didn't like
(The others had arrived at this point )

Monty : gday maytay u want Sam gamnats
Sebb laughed
Sebb: Monty are you trying to do a australian accent
Monty: no no Hablo español no australiano ( and that's on learning Spanish in schoooool )
Sebb: what I don't understand u mont
Monty : Perra no puedes joderme si quisieras
Seb : what ( laughs )
Wait here monty I'll be back in a sec

I head downstairs to try find Lucy to ask her what's going on and what he's saying, he finds her sat in the living room with the rest of the gang

Sebb : hey Lucy can I have a word
Kt : sebb I think u wanna sit down here first
Sebb : o ok
Lily : do you know what is wrong with monty and girls , he only would go near you and Jake , oh and his outburst when a female doctor came his way , what's going on
Sebb: honestly , I have no clue and it's worried me causing me to go into deeper thoughts . I'm so worried about him , which kind of leads me to what I want to ask Lucy
Lucy : go ahead dude
Sebb : ok so me and mont were sat watching Hannah Montana and all of a sudden he only talks spanish , he had been doing it from the past hour
Lucy : (laughs) oh yeh he does that
Sebb: like he just said "perra no puedes joderme si quisieras
Lucy bursts out laughing ,
Lucy : sebb he was singing " bitch you can't fuck with me if you wanted to "

Everyone starts to laugh

Lucy : sebb do not worry , speaking Spanish is his safe space for him , when he was 2 and he got mad at something he would say what he needed in Spanish and has done ever since , I have never bothered to translate it because I know it would annoy him . Which means he probably is telling you some deep secrets just in a way he feels comfortable until he can really tell all of us
Sebb: oh my god I just want to take him and cuddle him and then ta-
Everyone stared up at sebb

Monty : sebbyyyyyyyy come on i miss uuuuu , vamos Bonita quiero mis abrazos sebby

Sebb: see what I mean

Everyone just laughs and sebb goes back up to monty who was now on the floor in a laughing fixture

Sebb: what u doin down there mont
Monty : Mirando las estrellas esa parece una forma de agujero
Sebb: I have no clue what that means
Monty : lo sé
Sebb: come on u stop messing around u need to sleep it's really late
Monty : okkkkk

He climbs into bed and pulls over the cover ,sebb heads over to the door turning off the tv on the way

Monty : and what do you think yourrrrrr doingggg
Seb : going to my room
Monty : you you said you would ssstay with me
Sebb: fine let me get changed tho

Sebb went and got changed then hopped back into bed with monty as they snuggled up together falling in a deep sleep , feelings deep inside them bursting to come out and say IM HERE , but once again they had no clue what they were feeling all they knew was that it was something great . "I THINK WE DREAM SO WE DONT HAVE TO BE APART FOR SO LONG IF WERE IN EACH OTHERS DREAMS WE CAN BE TOGETHER ALL THE TIME " — Winnie the Pooh

___________________________AUTHORS NOTE

I hope you enjoyed this chapter , I did when I was writing it . Especially putting my spanish knowledge to the test . I might be adding those kind of quotes to the end of every chapter .
Please comment why you would like to see in this book and give it a vote if you liked it
Lots of love lilia xoxo

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