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Montys pov

I was awoken to someone shouting but nobody shouting back , then silence . A minute after my door breaks open and a very tired and upset sebb comes into my room shuts and locks the door then climbs into bed with me

Monty : hey hey what was all that shouting and why are you crying
Sebb : I told my family about us
Monty : and
Sebb : they didn't accept me
Monty : awww sebby come here

The cuddle tight into eachother until they hear a knock on montys door

Monty : yeh
Monty : why
Monty : wait there
Monty : ( whispers ) hey baby go into my bathroom she's about to come in

Monty goes and unlocks the door
Monty : hey loz what's up
Loz : rightmontyihaveadatetonightandidontknowwhattowearanditsstressingmeout
Monty : woah woah loz calm down here wear the dress you wore for your birthday and some natural makeup with your hair curled , then breathe and calm down and I'm sure you will be fine . Don't worry you know I'm only a text away .
Loz : thank u Monty
Monty : no problem

Loz runs back out the room and monty walks to the bathroom

Monty : I'm going for a shower
Sebb : ok
Monty : wanna join
Sebb : yes yes yes

They both go in the shower washing eachothers hair but trying to be quick in case anyone wonders where they both are . Then after they just walk downstairs and sit with everyone else at the table to eat breakfast .

Lily : how u feeling today monty
Monty : I'm better just still being quite aware of my surroundings
Kt : at least you can stay in the house and have other people that can go out for you
Monty : yeh it's much better

Sebbs pov
: I was feeling needy today , very needy . That's why I went to montys room this morning and haven't left him since . I know that the others don't know about us yet but I just want to touch him . Feel his presence. So I put my hand on the top of his hand which was under the table so nobody else could see . He didn't respond . So I moved my hand to his inner thigh , still no response . So I moved my hand further up and started drawing circles with my fingers , finally he shot me a knowing look of 'what are you doing' . I just carried on .

Soon after we had all gone into the living room to watch tv , I was sat next to monty as he learnt into me from the side . I grabbed hold of his hand then put my hoodie over them , he then started rubbing my thumb .

Sebb : hey monty will you help me get some drinks
Monty : sure

As soon as we got in there I slammed him against the wall and ran my finger over his chest and snaked my hands round his waist and started to kiss him

Monty pov :
I kissed back when he started kissing me holding on to the back of his neck .
Sebb brushes his tongue against my lips and pleads for a entrance . I don't give him one . He does it again ., I still don't respond
Sebb : stop teasing me give me entrance
And so I did and we were happily making out in the open kitchen that we all share with the door open

Ems pov

The boys had been gone for about 10 minutes and I'm still waiting for my drink

Em : guys imma just go see what those boys are up to
Lily : ye ok I want my drink already

I walked into the kitchen and what I saw scared the hell out of me


Montys pov

Shit em saw us making out
We both stop and look at her

Kt : em what's happening is everything ok
The rest of the girls come running in
Em : them two making out LIKE WTF IS HAPPENING
Loz : what boys what's going on
Lily gives them a knowing look and they shrug there shoulders
Kt : your both straight I'm so confused
Sebb : look do you really think after what you guys walked into that were straight
Kt : just please hurry up and explain
Monty : me and sebb have been dating
Loz : for how long
Sebb : three Months
Kt : guys why did you never say anything
Monty : because we weren't ready , we actually didn't mean for you to find out
Loz : your very good at hiding things
Sebb : we are actually , I was in the room when you burst in this morning
Em : omg is that why you guys are always having sleepovers
Kt : and your doors are always locked
Monty : yup
Kt : lily why are you so quiet
Lily : oh I knew about them technically I did anyway , I just didn't know they were a thing I just found them kissing at the beach
Em : and why didn't you say
Lily : it's our friends secret
Loz : I guess so
Sebb : guys were going upstairs to finally be a couple we will see you later
Mont : bye bitches

And you can probably guess what happened next

___________________________ so the others finally found out about mebby , hope your enjoying the book

Lots of love
Lilia x

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