T W E N T Y - S I X

705 16 8

Montys pov

TW ⚠️
Karen : what the fuck do you think your doing
Sebb : excuse me
Sebb : were in the pool
Karen : DONT you get smart with me
Sebb : I'm sorry but I don't get how we are causing trouble
Karen : it's disturbing watching two discussing boys kiss eachother like they are allowed
Sebb : we are allowed to kiss eachother though
Karen : nah ah it's gross two men kissing should be locked up in jail for that
Sebb : I'm sorry but it is legal for gay couples
Karen : well tough luck I don't like it and neither does anyone else around the pool
Sebb : oh really can you see anyone else having a go at us

No answer from anyone
Sebb : see nobody cares
Lily : hey hey what's going on round here
Sebb : this Karen think she owns me and is telling me I'm not allowed to kiss my boyfriend
Lily : really really it's 2020 grow up lady
Karen : first my names not Karen and I'm sorry but u guys are still kids and don't know what's right for the world
Sebb : I'm afraid we do now if you excuse me I'm going to go comfort my boyfriend because you have scared him

Sebb pillar me across the other end of the pool and sits down on the seat area inside the pool . He pulls me onto his lap and hold me close

Sebb : hey hey baby no need to be upset or scared she's just a horrible lady
Monty : tha thaaa that's my auntie
Sebb : your wha
Monty : my auntie , I never told her I was bi because she has always gone against anything other than being straight . She put my cousin up for adoption when he came out as trans . She kept on going on about how she had a daughter not a son and kept on calling him a girl when he wanted the opposite . It was just hard hearing those words coming from her mouth .
Sebb : oh monty don't worry I'm here and that's all you have to worry about . You don't need her and her old lady thoughts , it like she's living in the 1960s still . Now come on let's get the others in the pool .

Monty : oi you lot in pool now
Em : really I don't want to get my hair wet
Loz: I'm not wearing waterproof mascara
Kt : I have fake tan on and it will easily fade I only just put it on a few hours ago
Lily: I'm in

Lily bomb into the pool and me and sebb get out the pool , he picks up em and I pick up loz then chuck them in the pool . We then chase kt but sebb managed to push her in when she wasn't looking . Me and him got back in the pool and swam over to them all . We had a hand standing contest and em won . I thought I was pretty good at it but then you had sebb and em that told me a different story . We decided to have a piggy back race through the water . Sebby got on my back and we all races to the other end of the pool . We won and em and loz came last which meant kt and lily came second . We all then dispersed off into smaller groups . I went over to kt who was in the hot tub area even though it was so hot outside . Sebb went over to em and loz was with lily

Monty : thank you again kt for all the stuff you have done for me and sebb already on this holiday
Kt : no problem , like I said you deserve it
Monty : how your room look
Kt : it's actually really nice . I got all us girls the single suite which all also have pools but it's not as luxury and nice as yours ( I wanna drown myselfffff In a bottle of her perfume . I want her long blonde hair . Sorry im listening to Harry styles covering girl crush aha )
Monty : aha
Kt : he's so in love with you
Monty : I'm just as much and possibly more in love with him . He's perfect . He always knows how to make me smile when I'm sad . He's full of energy and is always got a such good sense of humour
Kt : I want someone to talk about me the way you talk abut sebb
Monty : you will find someone I promise
Sebb : BABY
Monty : guess that's my cue , COMING
Kt : bye mont

I swim over to sebb , when I get to him he wraps his arms round my waist from the back .

Monty : what's making you so clingy today
Sebb : I love you
Monty : I love you to baby
Sebb : mmmm lets go to the room and get ready for dinner
Monty : ok baby
( ahhhhh I'm crying , mr styles why you do this to me )

Me and sebb got to the room and he started to run the bath .

Sebb : fancy a bath baby
Monty : with you always
Sebb : come on then

It was the best bath ever . It was so big like hot tub size . I really want to get one of these back at the house because the only way I'm comfortable in the bath at ho e is when I'm layed on sebb or hes layed on me . He put his head on my chest .

Monty : hey sebby where we going to eat tonight
Sebb : oh just the bar downstairs tonight
Monty : ok so I'll wear something casual and comfy
Sebb : just please not joggers and one of my jumpers
Monty : oh

He turns round and laughs at me

Monty : guess I better get changed then
Sebb : hey imma bring the after sexy towels in her . We're gonna need them later
Monty : tut tut naughty sebby
Sebb : just not gonna be able to control myself round you
Monty : oh really
Sebby : mmm

Sebbs pov

I take Montys hand and walk down to the bar where the others are already sat at the table

Em : what took you so long
Sebb : someone had to get changed because I said they weren't going out in joggers and my jumper
Monty : whatttt that wasn't me
Sebb : aha you wish
( pApEr HoUsE )

We eat our meals and have a few drinks with eachother . I was to busy thinking about those after sex towels . I just wanted to leave . As rude as it sounds to the girls I'm ngl I'm feeling horny rn .

Sebby : hey monty
Mont : yes sebby
Sebby : we don't have all nig to our those after sex towels to good use

Monty : I'm bye guys have a good rest of the night

We practically run back to the room , you can guess what happened next ......

Sebb : well those towels are going to be needing a wash
Monty : yup
Sebb : hey come on if we hurry up we can go skinny dipping in our pool while the sun goes down
Monty : what a no use of having a private pool

We run outside to the pool , thank god we're on the top floor and nobody can see us . We get in the pool and Monty goes to the edge and I lean into the back of him with my hands round his waist .

Monty : so gorgeous isn't it
Sebby : I know I am
Monty : of course you are , but unfortunately you not who I was on about
Seb : oh what a shame

We spend about a hour skinny dipping then calm it a night in our huge bed .

Skip to morning

I had woken up to monty still asleep . I had asked lily to help me plan the day I was going to have out in zante with Monty . I then heard a knock on the door and got out of bed to go open it

Lily : woah woah sebb cover up please
Sebb : oh shit sorry I forgot I was naked
Lily : aww Montys still sleeping
Sebb : he's the cutest

We sit and plan for abit and then she decided to go live while I'm getting ready . Halfway through me getting dressed Monty was moving around in the bed .

Sebby : good morning sunshine
Monty : good morning baby boy
Sebb : sleep well
Monty : I slept amazingly

He goes to get out of bed but winces in pain

Monty : do you see what you do to me , your dick is so strong I can't walk
Lily : Monty I'm live you knob head
Mont : shit sorry guys , sorry sebbby
Sebb: come here baby boy
Lily : ewww Monty put some clothes on now
Monty : ok ok bossy

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter

Leave your opinions in the comments and your ideas you want me to include

I love you all so much
Much love from
Lilia xx

Word count : 1488

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