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Montys pov

Today was the day
I could either feel free to live without fear or scarred for life
And I'm so nervous .
We were outside of the court right now about to go in and I was so nervous , I didn't even get to sit with sebb

Sebb : hey baby I can tell your nervous , don't be your going to be fine ok
Monty : I know I know I just can't stop thinking of the worst
Sebb : don't worry , when you aren't sitting with me I'll be looking at you the whole time so if you look I'll boost you on ok

Monty pulled sebb I'm crashing his lips on his , only for a moment though because of where they were .

Shoufer: COME ON IN
( btw I have actually been in court before , I'm 13 but it was for a roleplay court scene and I can't remember the proper name for the shoufer )

I walk in to see the rest of the squad sat in the witnesses bay including my mum and dad . I walked over with sebb following the shoufer to our seats


I stand up

Judge : can you please follow the shoufer towards the stand
Judge : okay so I would like to hear your story from when you were 9 years old
Monty : well I was playing outside with my sister , she went inside to get her drink . While she was gone I was left on my own . That was when it happened , she just took me , I was to weak to fight back. I was taken into her house I think it was hers anyway . S-ssshe t-then ummm
Judge : take your time mr keates

I look over toward sebb , he's mouthing you can do it

Monty : she Um rrrraped me . Not long after that she had also beaten me , if scared me so much . Later that evening she took me one road away from where I lived in her boot of her car and told me to walk the rest the way so she didn't get caught . She had made sure I would say anything . She was correct , I was traumatised for years . That's why I moved out of my mums house where my sisters lived . I went to live with my dad .

Judge : ok thank you , now I want to hear from Sebastian wood
Shoufer : yes judge

Sebb walks over to the stand , as he walked past me he brushed his hand against mine

Judge : now mr wood , would you recall the events of 04/06/20
( felt like I should put this in , its 00:37am and I'm writing . All of a sudden I hear this rlly load noise and I'm like wth . It's just started raining the heaviest and loudest it's been for a long time . Just thought u should know that )
Seb: yes I can , ok so it was a normal day . My and mr keates had just finished eating breakfast . We were walking up the stairs to go to get dressed for the day when all of a sudden he froze at the top of the stairs . Then he fell . It actually wasn't me who was looking at the phone it was my friend who read the texts out, unfortunately she is not here today as she moved out of our house a while ago . We did hand in his old phone to the investigator though . Anyway when he had been taken into hospital he was absolutely fine until he fully woke up . A nurse had came in to give him a checkup , it was a female nurse though . When he had woke up he saw her stood next to him and he lost it , he went absolutely crazy . I had managed to calm him down , but then he came out of surgery . His mum had ran up to him to give him a hug but he flipped out again . After a while of being back home he started to feel abit more ease of the girls in the house but was still extremely scared .

Judge : ok thank you mr wood , now please may you go over the events of the night he was taken .

Sebb : so it was quite early in the morning and me and monty , oh sorry mr keates decided to go to the shop . We had a full day planned out for his daughter . When we were in the shop the shop assistant was looking at monty , I had no clue it was Jennie . I had then gone to get some chocolate and sweets , the next thing I know monty was no longer in the shop . I had been searching for him all day and night , at about 2:00am I got a phone call , all I heard was help , I tracked down where the phone was to the house making sure the police came aswell . When I went in the house he was layed there beaten and nnnaked on the floor .

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