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Ok before u start this chapter I just wanna go out there and say someone basically copied one of my chapter and tbh it doesn't bother me that much i would rather you just tell me or say in a authors note , thanks to lilia for the idea kind of thing. You know who you are as you read my book but no hate .

Sebbys pov

I'm so excited for today , we had been looking after flo for two weeks now and me and monty are finally having a day off, the others still don't know about us and they keep trying to set us up with girls. We simply just say we're happy single. So me and monty decided we would go to the shop to get food then take it to our spot.

When we were in the shop I told monty I was going to get some sweets and chocolate , little did I know this was going to be one of the worst decisions of my life.

Monty pov

There she was , just stood there

Monty : jjjjjennie why are you hhhere
Jennie : for you monty , we're gonna have some fun
Monty : S-
Jennie : she covered my mouth and took me to the back room where she put me in her car and took me to her apartment.

Sebby pov

I went back to find monty but he had gone , I tried calling him but his phone went straight to voicemail


I ran home after searching in the store for 30 minutes

Sebb: guys montys gone , I don't know where he is and he is not answering his phone I've been looking for him in all the places he could be , even in our spot
Kt : what woah sebb calm down

They sent out a search party and called up the police , I then proceeded in calling his dad and told him he had gone missing and he said he would travel back from god knows where he was as quick as he could. I just sat at the police station Hopi g they had heard something as I continued to break down into kts arms

Sebb: kt i love him , what if he's gone , my favourite relationship gone like that
Kt : what
Sebby : yeh me And him have been dating for weeks
Kt : Omg sebby
Sebb: only mont can call me that

All of a sudden I look towards the door that opened and came running towards me was mike

Mike : sebb I promise it will be ok , Monty will not give up on life , on you . He has survived it once and will again
Sebb: what do you mean once
Mike : as I said not my place to say sebb

I was responding to my snapchat of lily when it accidentAlly went on snap maps , there he was , active now

Bing *

Monty sexy boy : come help please need help j

Sebb : OMG guys he text me saying corn help please need help j
Mike : J
Sebb: what

We were all racing towards in a police car where it said he was , the police got out and busted down the door, after they had Jennie in handcuffs while they would search for monty they let us in

Police 1: FIUND HIM

There he was layed defeated on the floor naked

Sebb : mont

I bent down to hug him and he relaxed .

Sebb: what happened

___________________________AUTHORS NOTE

Hmm what's monty going to say and who is Jennie

Hope you guys enjoyed this and I know it's short

Lots of love lilia xoxo

Word count 612 

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