chapter 3

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A week has passed and old man Dean has come back to slum block 9 to hear Jungkooks answer.

Will Jungkook lead this group and start this mafia game?

Jungkook and Yoongi are awaiting the arrival of the old man.

"JK are you sure about this?"

"I'm very sure of this. We will take over the territories. I WILL be TOP Alpha of all Alpha's." Junkook said with an evil smile.

"What about Dean?" Yoongi asks.

"When his use runs out we will eliminate him. He is just a means to an end and that is all."

Yoongi gave JK a nod.

They both turn their heads when they heard a car pull up. Old man Dean stepped out and walked towards the duo.

"Well? Have you come to a decision? Will you lead a pack of wolves and take over as Alpha to subdue the current system?"  Dean asked with an evil smirk.

"You have yourself a leader." Jungkook said with a smirk and held out his hand to Dean. The two shook hands to seal the deal.

"Here is your car and driver." Dean points behind them. Then he hands JK a phone. "This phone is yours my number is already in there. Also your new apartment address and office building address are located in contacts as well. Your group of men will meet you tomorrow at your office. Don't disappoint me young alpha."

Dean left with an evil smile knowing he has set a game in motion.

What groups will remain?

Will Jungkook lead his new group to the top?

Will Dean get what he wants?

Or will Jungkook make things go his own way?

Jungkook and yoongi turn around and walk towards the car that has a driver waiting beside it. When they enter the car they are met with another alpha.

"Who might you be?" Yoongi says in a snippy tone.

"I am Namjoon. I'm very tech savy and well rounded to help put order to the group in anyway needed. I hope to be of use to you Alpha JK."

"We shall see your worth soon enough." JK said with a serious expression.

After everyone entered the car the driver starts the car. As they drive away from the slums towards the cities of the mafia, JK and Yoongi look back one last time bidding farewell to a life they will not miss. Goodbye to block 9 of the slums.

They arrive in the center city which is territory of Sharp Stars. Yoongi and JK gawk at the different scenery compared to what they are use to seeing in the slums. They pull up to a tall skyscraper of 200 floors. After the driver pulls into the parking garage Namjoon gets out of the car and awaits for Yoongi and JK to exit the car as well.

"This is where you will be living now. The pent house on the 200th floor is all yours. A room for you JK and a room for you Yoongi. I will be staying here as well in my own room. There are maids that will come clean, do laundry, and cook meals. The office building is a few blocks away, but still within this main city. All the men that Dean has gathered will be there at 9:00 am. My phone number is also already in your phone incase you do ever need to contact me. Yoongi we will get you a phone as well."

JK and Yoongi just nodded to Namjoon in acknowledgement.

When they reach the pent house Namjoon showed the two other Alphas how the pin code works to enter the apartment. Once inside JK and Yoongi looked around for a minute then decided to just go to their own rooms. Namjoon decided to go to the study and start work on collecting all information on every mafia family. It will benefit them to know all their weaknesses and strengths for tomorrow when they decide on a action plan in starting a game between Mafia groups. As Namjoon was distracted researching, JK silently entered and observed what Namjoon was doing over his shoulder. The older had no idea that JK was standing behind him watching the computer screen.

"So this is how wolves get research on other wolves without foot work." Jungkook says.

Namjoon startled turned around with a loud gasp. Taken aback by jungkook appearing all of a sudden, he took a deep breath and turned back around to the computer.

"Footwork?" Namjoon asks.

"Walking to people that hold information and getting them to talk. Sometimes for a price or just a beating." Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Yes you can use that method, but I use the internet to find out all sorts of information. If you look in the right places and have the right clearance you can learn much without others knowing. Which is why I was hired because I have earned high clearance with my work in college."

"Hmmm....." Jungkook just hums in response.

Jungkook turned around and left the study. Namjoon took another deep breathe to calm his nerves. He has never felt such Alpha pressure before. The pressure made him feel extra nervous and he never wants to cross such a strong Alpha in a bad way. After calming his nerves he gets back to the research. JK walked back to Yoongi's room to find him already asleep.

"Bro wake your ass up."

"I'm just resting my eyes. Are you done exploring the apartment?"

"Yes. It's quiet and boring. Namjoon seems easy to submit. I don't think he will be a worry to our plan. He may even be an asset. For now though he will stay in the dark and we will keep an eye on him."

Yoongi nodded.

"Namjoon is researching the Mafia groups. I want to go straight for the jugular with this mafia system. Take down the biggest group then force the other's into submission. Depending on what kind of men this Old man put together we may need to go out and scout from the smaller groups and create a second group. Sharp Stars will meet it's end soon."

Yoongi looked over at jungkook and saw how excited he was to be playing with bigger alphas than the slums. Jungkook is obviously going to enjoy playing this mafia game that Dean has set up.

"You will be the top Alpha of all wolves JK and I will follow you all the way."

The two shared a fist bump. JK left yoongi's room and went over to the terrace and looked out to the city. An evil smirk crawled across Jungkooks face.

"I can't wait to take them down." JK says.

Thank you for reading lovely people. Please do leave comments on what you like and don't like or suggestions. I'm new to this so comments are welcomed. Please wait for more chapters to come and enjoy reading.

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