chapter 11

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Mafia meeting

Alpha Gray had organized a meeting between all five leaders of the territories. If he was gonna find his sons, he would need the help of the other mafia groups.

Alpha Gray of Sharp Stars, Alpha Zane of Five Hands, Alpha Hunter of Stinging Bee's, Alpha Landon of Thunder, and Alpha Rose of Shadow Night have all gathered to discuss the attack on Sharp Stars.


Zane had punched Gray straight in the jaw knocking him to the ground.

"Why the hell was my son taken?" Zane was yelling at Gray.

"I truly wish I had an answer for you," said Gray.

"Enough! Fighting amongst ourselves won't bring any answers nor find the omegas," said Rose as she took attention of the room.

Rose is one of the few Alpha females for not many exist. Most Alphas are born male. Although Rose is female, she is still one of the strongest Alphas in the territories. Rose is well known and feared among the citizens of her territory. How else would she have become such a strong Mafia leader if she was not feared or show strength?

Everyone had their attention to Rose. For when she speaks you better listen. The last time Zane didn't listen he forgot who he was for a day. Who knows he may still have a bump on his head from that time even though it was two years ago.

Zane is a stern and stubborn alpha. He also hates to lose. Being fierce and calculative he took control. It was an easy game won to become a leader.

Everyone silently took seats at the rectangle table. Rose stood at the head as everyone sat down.

"Gray is there anything you can share with us? What exactly happened?" Rose was looking at Gray waiting for him to answer.

"I was fooled. I fell right into their trap. I'm ashamed they were able to so easily manipulate my household." As Gray was talking he fought so hard against the tears that were ready to flow.

The whole room was silent. Everyone was staring at the Alpha who was known for commanding with strength. Right now though the Alpha was extremely vulnerable and weak.

"Please continue," Hunter had motioned for Gray to continue with his words.

"My men were patrolling. They were all at their posts. No one saw a thing. We all heard the explosion and rushed to the front gate. That's when it dawned on me that only my boys and tae were in the house. I ran back as fast as I could but they were already gone." Gray couldn't hold the tears anymore. The pain he felt of a father failing to protect his most precious children was unbearable.

Jhope was standing against the wall behind his Alpha, when he decided to chime in.

"Alpha asked me to go back and watch all security footage of that night. I found that someone was dressed in black from head to toe, set the bomb with stealth. They were smart and used the night as their advantage. You can also see that they retreat quickly before being seen. It is obvious they have observed our men for some time and found a window of opportunity to strike. They knew our actions too well." Jhope had all the attention on him.

"Did you find anything else?" Rose asked in hopes they have some clue who is behind this.

"The rest of the footage shows men climbing the fence and not even 6 minutes max they were back at the fence with the omegas. All these men had their faces covered so there is no telling who is behind this. That night I even had men out searching they found nothing," Jhope was extremely dissatisfied with himself in the lack of useful information.

"I see," Rose was deep in her thoughts.

There are things that are strange. How were they spying on the mansion? Why did they attack Gray's group? Also, how come there has been no contact for negotiations? What is their goal in having the omegas? Are they attacking just the Sharp Stars? But if so why did they take Zanes son as well?

"I know your thoughts Rose," Hunter had pulled Rose out of her thoughts.

Hunter is a silent Alpha. He submits wolves with just his cold scare. Ice blue eyes that make you feel cold just from his stern stare.

"Something is off. We will just take action as if this is really an attack on all. It's best to be prepared for any scenario. Now Gray what are you thoughts on any leads?" Hunter spoke slow and stern. He never did use a lot of passion when he spoke.

"My gut tells me Dean has something to do with this. The situation is to coincidental with his suspicious behavior lately."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Dean has been being extra shady. He was up to something besides drugs and omega trafficking. What is that sleeze bag up to.

"Here is what I propose," Landon had finally spoke up.

Landon is an Alpha that always smiles, but don't be fooled by it. He smiles even as he slowly tears a wolf apart limb by limb. He is actually terrifying with his smile.

"Let's set up patrols for every border of every territory. We need to set up a harder grid of security. Next let's bring in the spy from Dean's group it's been just over a week now any information he has will be useful. Gray I'm sorry to say you have a leak somewhere in your group. You should work on finding who so we can interrogate them for information. Is everyone okay with this for now?" Landon asked everyone around the table.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay we should meet again in a couple of days. If anyone receives new leads before then you should contact us all," Landon got up and left.

Hunter and his men also took their leave.

Rose stayed looking at two helpless father's.

"We will find them." Zane and Gray both looked at Rose and nodded their heads.

The three though they are rivals they have also been childhood friends. How life has changed for them.

"Stay strong Alphas for your sons still need you." Rose left them to ponder her last sentence.

"Zane I truly am sorry."

"I know Gray, I know."

Zane held out his arm to Gray. Gray grabbed Zanes forearm and they both shared a glance.

"We will defeat them Gray."

"They will meet their end." Gray said and shook hands as they both left.

"Alpha," jhope was behind Gray as they were walking.

"Yes Jhope?"

I'm gonna go to the traffic lights camera office. I had an idea when we were in the meeting. May I go?"

Gray was caught off guard, but Jhope has always been good at gathering information.

"Yes you may go."

Jhope doesn't waste any time and heads directly to the traffic cameras office building.

Gray had just entered his car when he got a message on his cellphone. Gray opened the message and started boiling with anger.

What is Jhope looking for?

What kind of message did Gray receive?


Hello again Lovely people.
I hope you all are still enjoying the story.
Thank you for reading.

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