Chapter 19

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Suga was sitting on the tattered old steps of the abandoned house waiting for the car that Namjoon will send to pick him up from this hell in the middle of freaking no where. He was exhausted and tired from the long day and night he has had. Just so ready to go home and sleep for days. As he was in his thoughts he saw a flash of headlights.

"Finally someone shows," Suga says.

Suga stood up wiping off his pants of dirt and dust. The car pulled up in front of him.

"I'm here to take you home Alpha."

"Yeah yeah let's just hurry home I'm tired," Suga responded with a sarcastic tone.

As they were driving home Suga was thinking about the hell he will have to deal with when he sees Jungkook. If they weren't close Bro's, Suga is sure that Jungkook would just kill him.

"Damn I'm in some deep shit with this one," Suga was saying to himself.

"Alpha here we are."

Suga came out of his thoughts and without even a thank you, just exits the car and starts heading into the building to their apartment.

Upon entering Suga walks over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and something to snack on. He decided to just eat some dried apples and then head to the shower.

Walking past Tae who was asleep on their bed, he went straight into the bathroom.

Suga was standing in the hot shower hoping to ease some of the fatigue his body was feeling.

Knock knock

"Alpha? Your home really late," Tae had toddled his was into the bathroom rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Go lay back in bed Tae. I promise I'll be there in a few minutes," Suga said. His voice sounding exhausted.

"Mmmmm okay Alpha," sleepy tae said as he turned around making his way back to their bed.


"Forget whatever Jungkook has planned tomorrow. I will not fucking leave my bed for the whole day."

Suga finished his shower and got dressed. He trudged and dragged his feet making his way over to their bed where tae had already gone back to sleep.

Suga slumped down on to the bed and rolled over close to Tae. Tightly pulling Tae into a cuddle and nuzzled his nose into the crook of Tae's neck. Taking deep breathes of coconut and lime.

The scent was soothing to Suga and he drifted asleep holding Tae.


After sending Jimin back to his room and putting Jin to sleep in his room. Namjoon went to his computer station that was set up in the living room downstairs.

He had security cameras set up on Jungkook who was waiting for Alpha Gray, all through the inside of the warehouse, the perimeter outside, and had hacked the Sharp Stars security cameras. His task was to watch for any ambush and to record everything. Jungkook wanted the recordings for later to make a video to send to all mafia groups as a warning for submission.

Namjoon sat for hours watching as Gray pulled up and Suga leaving with a wolf that showed up with Gray.

The death that occured that night Namjoon will forever remember the blood spilled.

Watching Jungkook kill Gray was most gruesome. How could a wolf be so cold as he kills? The death of a whole mafia group has never been done within the history of the territories.

Namjoon feels Jungkook has already won by being the cruelest wolf too be.

Pushing everything to the back of his mind, Namjoon quickly got all the footage put together and made the video for Jungkook to edit later.

Turning off the computer and walking back to Jins room because right now he needed to snuggle Jin to forget the sight of people breathing their last breathe.

Mafia 5

I organized a call to Zane, Landon, and Hunter. I instructed them to bring men with firepower and head straight over to Sharp Stars immediately.

I was the first to arrive. My eyes I thought were playing tricks on me. All my men stand behind me in shock.

"This ...... How ..... GRAY! JHOPE!" Rose started yelling and ran to the mansion.

There in the foyer Rose found Jhope lying on the floor by the phone.

"Jhope!" Rose yelled his name and ran to him.

Please be alive she thought as she checked for a pulse. The pulse is weak, but he is alive.

Rose yelled for one of her men to rush Jhope to the hospital immediately.

As Rose walked the mansion she saw no trace of Gray and found no one else to be alive.

Zane, Hunter and Landon soon came and were just as bewildered and shocked at the scene before them.

Zane ran over to Rose.

"Rose! Any sign of Gray?" Zane asked.

Rose just shook her head no.

"We need to handle the bodies," Hunter came over to them and spoke with a sad tone.

They nodded in agreement and started collecting everyone and having them sent to the morgue.

This will be one of the biggest and most heart wrenching funerals they will ever have to attend.

Landon was still walking the mansion and grounds of the Sharp Stars for any kind of clue as to who is responsible or to the location of Gray.

As Landon was walking and searching he found nothing.

Zane had made his way to Gray's study. Knowing his best friend he was in hope that he may have wrote something down that could be of help. As he was searching through his papers on the desk he chuckled as he was right. His childhood friend even addressed the envelope to him.

   If this is being read it's because I walked into a trap and I didn't make it out. I was contacted the day before to have a negotiation meeting tonight. I didn't tell anyone because I know Landon was right about a leak and didn't want to lead the enemy into thinking we would be ambushing them. I just wanted our sweet sons back. So I'm leaving you this letter with the location of the meeting. Friend if I die tonight please help my sons.
I'm sorry,

Signed Alpha Gray

Zane was disappointed that the Alpha took action alone. He knows now that Gray is surely dead.

With a deep breathe to hold back his sorrows Zane took the letter and gathered the other three alphas.

The Alphas arrived awhile later to the warehouse mention in the letter. They cautiously started their search through the building.

Rose eventually came upon the same sight Jhope just witnessed. She walked around from Grays back to the front and she dropped in pure shock.

Her childhood friend hanging from chains with no life left in his body.

Landon and Hunter stood a few feet behind Rose and bowed their heads. Zane walked over and kneeled beside Rose.

"Why?" Rose whispered.

"We will find out." Zane said back.

With Sharp Stars gone will the mafias follow Jungkooks command?


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