Chapter 46

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It's been a whole day since Jimin woke up. His mind was still chaos. He was ecstatic to know he is pregnant with two pups and he also has feelings of bliss from the sudden sweet tender behavior of his Alpha. His heart and wolf leap with joy everytime his Alpha comes around showering him with loving remarks, gentle touches, and soft kisses.

With all this happiness flowing through the omegas mind and heart why is there chaos? Well, he is absolutely terrified that his Alpha will suddenly go back to  his original behavior. He may even become worse because his body was touched and used by another wolf.

As Jimin struggled with keeping happy thoughts with in his mind, his anxiety would creep back out and send him down flying through what felt as a dark tornado of emotions. His poor mind went as far to even think that the Alpha was only being nice because of the pups. What if after the pups are born Jungkook takes them away and kicks him out.

How could he live with out his pups and without his mate?

Jimin shakes his head. Hoping the action would rid himself from all negative thoughts.

Jimin has been alone all morning except for the nurses that had come in and out to check on him and to do ultrasounds every once in awhile to make sure the pups were still doing good.

Jungkook had woke Jimin up earlier to tell him that he was going home real quick to shower, change clothes, and nap. Of course the Alpha was exhausted, Jungkook has had some busy days of saving him and staying by his side the whole time here at the hospital.

Jimin looked over to the door of his hospital room to see a guard standing there at his door. Jungkook has appointed the wolf as a bodyguard. He was informed to only allow nurses and doctors in the room. Jimin just sighed and looked back to his small TV that was mounted on the wall in front of his bed. The only thing he could find entertaining was a marathon of Friends.

Jimin was more spacing out rather than really paying attention to the show. That's okay though he has seen all the episodes already. He was still so lost with in his own thoughts.

"Even though he left a guard, I'm still scared when he isn't here."

Jimin laid down and cuddled into a pillow that was covered by Jungkooks shirt. The omega begged the Alpha to have a scented shirt of the Alpha scent so he could cuddle it and smell his scent whenever he needed too.

Jimin took a deep breathe into the pillow. Deep breath in and exhale out. "I miss my Alpha."

As Jimin was about to doze off into a nap he suddenly heard yelling from the hall.


Jimin giggled has he heard the loud voice along with running feet. He also heard commotion of nurses yelling after the loud wolf to quiet down and walk.


"Hey TaeTae." Jimin giggled at the sight of his breathless friend who obviously had been running for awhile yelling out his name. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Resting? You've got to be kidding! I let them keep me couped up for one day! NO MORE! I need to get out of here but, I also wanted to check on you."

"I'm doing good TaeTae. How did you escape Suga?"

"Oh, yeah that. Okay long story short okay so you better listen up and pay attention my friend. Got it?"

Jimin nodded his head.

"Soooooooooooo, I saw my dad back at that creepy place and he was trying to take me back home. Well that caused a whole fight right."

Jimin gave a nod to acknowledge that he was listening to Tae.

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