Chapter 42

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Namjoon, Tae, Jin, Landon, Zane, and Jhope

Namjoon growled at the wolf when he said he would take Jin away from him. No way were they taking away his beloved mate.

Namjoon knows who these wolves are because he had watched them all for weeks from the surveillance cameras back when they wiped out Sharp Stars.

He knew one day they would come looking for them and their newly formed mafia group. After all they do have the omega's and are solely responsible for the murder of a mafia group.

Damn though why did they have to confront us tonight? And how the hell did they even know to be here? Or was this all coincidence?

No matter, they will not take my mate from me. Suga may hate me but, if I need to I'll have to ditch his mate and quickly get out of here.

"Hand over Jin now."

I gave a sharp glare and shouted back, "NO!"

Seriously though what to do?

Namjoon was contemplating in his thoughts. He was concerned if he could even escape right now with having to carry Jin.

Jin had passed out earlier. Seems like whatever they had done to him has Jin not feeling well. I really need to get the hell out of here and take care of him.

Fuck! fuck! fuck!

"Let me handle this one." The one stepping forward with a vicious smile is Landon. I know he is a strong fight based off my research. I won't last long against him with my skills.


Namjoon was feeling panicked. He knew at this point a fight was inevitable but, would he even be able to win against Landon and even if he did there are still two others he would have to fight off.

Finally coming to terms with the fight, Namjoon gently laid his mate down to the side. If he was gonna be with his love he would need to get by these three.

"Hahahaha! You ready young one to receive a beating from your elder." Landon was so ready for this fight with a wide grin of enjoyment.

"Younger tends to mean strong Old wolf." Namjoon said back.

"Hahaha spunky. I like it! Make sure to give me a good time." Landon then ran towards Namjoon ready to attack.

Namjoon was quick to shift to his wolf as he saw Landon charge towards him. He waa determined to put up a good fight in order to keep Jin to himself. As selfish as that maybe, Namjoon needed his mate to always and forever be with him.

Namjoon took his stance and bared his teeth. He was ready to defend against the Alpha. Bring it!

Landon quickly lift his leg to send a hard fast kick to Namjoons side, but before the kick could land on it's target Namjoon had ducked out of the way and used his canines to bite down on the Alphas ankle.

"Ah, hahahaha, that's a pretty strong bite you have there." Landon grabbed Namjoon by his neck pushing his body down into the ground and squeezing.

Namjoon didn't want to let go of Landons ankle but, the pain to his neck was now too much. Releasing his bite, Namjoon tried to get away from the hold on the scruff of his neck.

As Landon was holding down Namjoon and Namjoon was struggling to get free, Tae was fighting with his father.

"Dad I have to go I can't go with you." Tae said to Zane.

"No I just found you. I'm not losing you again to your kidnappers. This is absolute nonsense. Your not leaving with them do you hear me." Zane was so confused as to why his son is choosing to leave with those killers. They killed his best friend and he refuses to see the same fate befall his precious son.

"No dad I really need to go! He is my mate. I can't leave when I have a bond. Please understand." Tae was pleading with his father.

As Landon was fighting Namjoon, as well as father arguing with son, Jhope was just standing there taking glances back and forth between the four.

Jhope eventually turned his gaze to Jin who was still lying on the ground behind the two fighting Alphas not moving. He thought it was best to hurry over and grab the omega while everyone was distracted.

Jhope quickly seized this moment and made his way over to Jin. As he reached where Jin was laying down, Jhope dropped to the ground on his knees beside Jin.

"Jin ..... Can you hear me Jin?" Jhope was gently shaking Jin by his shoulder to see if he would awake.

Jin didn't move but, he was breathing so he must just be passed out. With a quick movement Jhope slid his hands and arms under Jins body in order to lift him up.

"Oh Jin what has happened to you? Please be okay." Jhope whispered as he carried Jin back to the SUV.

Reaching the SUV Jhope slightly lifted Jin up higher so he could reach the car door handle with his fingers and open it. Once he was able to get the door open Jhope laid Jin on the backseat and closed the door leaving Jin alone there.

We should just grab Tae and get out of here while we can. There is a problem though, where is Jimin? Why isn't he with Jin and Tae? That Alpha over there isn't one of the two that I saw that night with Gray. This concerns me.

Jhope broke his thoughts as he made his way to the front of the vehicle and yelled at Zane. "Zane grab him by force and let's go. Something isn't right here."

"I agree!" Zane yelled back to Jhope and grabbed his son with force throwing him over his shoulder.

"Landon let's get out of here." Zane shouted at the fighting Alpha.

Landon stopped for a second to look back at Zane and Namjoon used the opportunity to check on Jin. As Namjoon looked to where he left Jin there was nothing. Jin was gone from his spot that he was left.

Namjoon by smell could quickly tell that one of them had put Jin over in that SUV. With anger riling up inside him Namjoon charged to the vehicle. There was no way in hell they are driving away with Jin.

"Oh oh oh! Stop right there young man! I won't let you through." Landon quickly grabbed Namjoon by his tail and dragged him back ending his charge attack.

Namjoon was rabid and started thrashing. He tried to reach with his muzzle for the other's arm to bite. His thrashing though soon came to a halt as he saw someone running up behind Landon.

Landon was struggling to keep hold of the wolf until all of a sudden he stopped thrashing around in his hold. That wolf was staring at him which confused Landon until once it was too late he realized he was actually looking behind him and not at him.

"Dammit" Landon said as he fainted and dropped to the ground after the feeling of something sharp shoved into his back.

"Thanks Suga." Namjoon said.


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