Chapter 49

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Okay so I got tired lol. So I'm really sorry I didn't edit this chapter but I didn't want to save it for tomorrow. So anyways I'm posting it now if y'all see mistakes just a leave a comment and I'll edit everything thing tomorrow. 💜😁





Tae's mind yells and calls out for his alpha. The alpha is occupying all of his thoughts. He needs the Alpha in every single way. His body, mind, and heart are screaming for his Alpha Suga.

Where is he? Why am I here? Why does my life continue to turn to turmoil. My father was right in front of me. Yet he was torn away once again. Alpha I need you but, I also hate you.

The last conscious moment Tae can recall is sitting in the SUV waiting to drive home but, beyond that the memory goes hazy and he can only recall darkness taking over his eye sight.

Why can I not remember more? Why can't I escape this darkness? Please someone help me! I don't want to be here anymore.





"Shhhhhhhhhhhh ........... Calm .......... Slow your breathing ........... Relax and become calm. You will awake soon my dear but, you need yo calm your body and mind."

"Who are you?" Tae yells as his panic becomes more fierce for he is fearful of what has become of himself and what the current situation is. All these thoughts funning through his head but, what he truly wonders is how did he nearly escaped chaos, only to be thrown right back in to it once again.

"Calm down my other half! Our body can't will shut down if you continue to stress."

Other half? Wait is my wolf in a mind link with me?


"Yes my half."

"Oh Winter! I'm so glad I'm not alone!" Tae tried to sound as joyful as possible but, he was terrified because although his is with him, they are shrouded by darkness.

"Winter my wolf, where are we? Why is there only dark and no light? Where is our Alpha? I'm scared."

"Shhhhhhhh, i know it's scary Tae but, if we don't calm our nerves we will not leave the dark. We are unconscious so we must focus all energy into healing so we can awake."

"Unconscious? Like in a coma?" Tae starts to work into a.panic again even though he had just received a clear warning from his wolf that he must remain calm. "OH GOD! OH GOD! I'm to handsome to die. Yoongi baby help me wake up! Please my spicy hot one! PLEASE!"

"Seriously? Spicy hot one? That's what your focus is right now? Snap out of it drama king. Focus your energy on healing or so help me I'll send lewd images to Alpha of all your dirty thoughts."

"Nooooooooooo! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll focus. Focusing allllllll my energy into healing right now! No dirty alpha thoughts present....... Even if I do want a majorly hot steamy kiss right now."

"Fucking focus you loon."

"Sigh ...... I got it. Must awake from this dreadful coma in order to indulge in kisses."

Tae was concentrating and pushing all his energy into healing because he truly did need contact with his alpha. The mean wolf can be pissy all it wants but, I'm in need of some suga energy.

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