Chapter 25

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New Moon Apartment

The whole table sat there in silence even though Dean had left awhile ago. Jimin just looking down at his plate trying to process all that was said. Jin held Namjoons hand, just waiting for his little brother to say something.

Without a word Jimin stood up and left the table. Everyone's eyes followed Jimin as he walked away. The walk to the bedroom felt distant and long. Jimins feet felt heavy and slow.

Finally reaching the bedroom, Jimin made his way to the bed and just dropped on top of it. Spacing out with his face burrowed into the blanket. Slowly tears start to form in the corners of his eyes. Not able to hold back any longer Jimin started sobbing. Crying. Silent screams for he didn't want no one else to hear him.

At the dinning table Jungkook was sitting there trying to control hia rage before he bites someones head off.

"I'm going for a run before I go wild." Jungkook says as he swiftly leaves.

Tae starts bawling and hitting Suga's shoulder.

"How are you apart of this? What did you do you do dick head?!" Tae was angry once again with his Alpha. Really though Tae is angry with him all the time. So Suga just sat there and kept eating as he was being hit.

"Tae calm down. Hitting him won't change anything." Jin says in a calm tone trying to help Tae be calm as well.

"But, but, Jin Hyung. They killed a whole group. Your group." Tae says in between sobs.

Jin just looked down and tried to hold back his tears. He too wants to cry out for his father and fellow wolves, but they are already gone and will not hear his cries. He is tormented with the fact that his Alpha helped in the elimination of the Sharp Stars. His dear father may not have died by Namjoon's hands, but he still helped none the less.

"Good grief baby. Just calm yourself would you. I'm hungry from sex with you and your exhausting to deal with everyday. So just shut up and let me eat." Suga blurted out because he was angry that dinner was being ruined.

Tae appalled by his Alphas words stood up and ran to their room. He slammed the door shut and locked the door. Yelling at the top of his lungs to make sure Suga heard him.

"I HATE YOU!!!!!"

"Bro that was harsh." Namjoon said to Suga who was still eating.

"Yeah, but he shut up." Suga said not really caring that his words were mean to the omega.

"Namjoon will you help me clean up so we can go back to our room?" Jin asked in a sweet soft voice.

"No need sweety. The maids will pick up come on let's go." Namjoon gently clasped his hand with Jin's and walked back to their bedroom.

The last one left, eating in Silence is Suga. He was left alone to finally enjoy some peace and quiet with his food until he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck from behind.

"I'm sorry Alpha." Tae using his sweet voice to apologize was something Suga always found amusing because it usually always led to some great foreplay.

Suga grabbed Tae by his arm and brought him around and sat him down in his lap.

Tae sat comfortably on the Alpha as he was wrapped in the Alphas arms. The feeling of Suga's breath on his neck makes his body tingle with pleasure.

Suga decides to tease the omega a little. Light touches of his lips on the omegas neck. Breathing along his ear. Watching Tae squirm at the feeling was amusing. Suga pushed Tae off his lap and spanks his ass.

"You know you liked it baby" Suga said with a smirk.

Tae angry that he got teased marched back to the room and yelled again.

"Your a pig head Alpha!"

Suga laughing made his way back to his his room to go tease his mate some more. What better game is there besides a sexual one?

Jungkook returned from his run. He finally felt calm to where he wouldn't kill the first wolf that made a wrong move. Making his way to his room he finds Jimin asleep half on the bed and half off.

Walking over to the bed Jungkook adjusted Jimin to where he was at least on the bed comfortably and then went to shower.

After showering and putting on some clean sweats Jungkook came back to the bedroom and found Jimin had awoken from his little nap.

"Did you really do it?" Jimin asked.

"Do what?" Jungkook asked back with his one eyebrow up.

"Don't play coy! Did you kill my dad?!" Jimin yelled has he held back more tears.

"Yeah yeah. Your dad Gray is dead."

"Bbb ... bbb..... But why?" Jimin couldn't hold it anymore and started crying again.

"Because how else would I take over all territories, if the top Alpha and the top group are not eliminated!"

"Was that the reason then? Was that why we were kidnapped? You just wanted to kill my wolf family?" Jimin struggled with his words as he was speaking he was crying.

"Well I didn't kidnap you for just sex. If I wanted that I could have any wolf I wanted howling at me to give them pleasure." Jungkook stated everything like he was talking about business. No sense of remorse. No sense of empathy for his sweet mate.

"How could you mate me knowing what you were gonna do?"

"Your my mate and no one else will have you. The rest doesn't matter."

"It does, it really does matter! I hate you. You are no mate of mine. Don't touch me ever again!" Jimin got up and tried to run for the bedroom door, but he was quickly stopped by a muscular arm that grabbed him and threw him back down on the bed.

Jungkook got on top of Jimin pinning him and baring his teeth. Jungkook then growled and let out his dominant scent to force Jimin to submit.

"You listen now! You are my Mate! You will not be leaving! And don't you ever tell me what I can't do! Your body and soul are Mine!" Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth.

Jimin whimpers under him knowing he can't break loose from his Alpha. He can't break free from his mate. Even if his mate is Cold Hearted and cruel. Jimin wishes he could run away to his home. Why did this Cold Hearted Beast enter his world?



Hi! Lovely people. Thanks for all the comments. I will continue to update this story. I may be slow some days just because of life and getting busy, but my promise is I will continue this story until it ends. Thanks always for reading.

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