Chapter 37

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"Where is he?!" Jungkooks wolf shouted.

Jungkook was running through the halls of this dimly lit building, following the scent of his mate. As he was running, he could smell the nasty stench of horny Alphas, Betas, and Omegas through out every hall. Each room seeping the stench. Clearly this is a building used in selling omegas bodies for pleasure.

At that thought Jungkook saw red. Dean brought his omega mate to a whore house. All who dare to lay a single finger on his omega would meet their death. The rage had the Alpha killing all wolves that were clearly Dean's subordinates without mercy. He even made sure each died painfully. He wanted them all to suffer for touching and taking away what belongs to him.

They have messed with the wrong alpha. No one crosses me and gets away with it.

Jungkook ran and ran through the halls. He was following Jimins scent but, it felt like an eternity as he searched. Saving his omega takes first priority over Dean. Don't worry though that Beta will be strung up and tortured as he screams for mercy with none to be provided. Only a slow and painful death awaits the Beta that stole his mate.

I must hurry to my mate. Jungkook thought to himself.


Jimin had slightly awoken to the sound of deathly screams. As he heard all the commotion outside of the room he was locked in. He wanted with all his heart to get up and run. His wolf wanted so badly to run back to Jungkook. Yes, he wanted to be near his Cold Hearted beast of a mate.

But as much as Jimin yearned to get up and move, he couldn't. His body felt like every bone had broke and every muscle was torn. Having been used by the wolf, his body was in rejection. The only thing that can cure his burning pain is his mate.

Since Jimin was unable to move, he laid there thinking of Jungkook, his body, and his pup, tears slowly left his eyes leaving trails down his face. His heart was crying in such sorrow because of the torture he and his wolf just endured.

Wolfie had been howling non stop since Jimin had woke up. The sad howl for help caused Jimin to burst into sobs. Why did he have to go through this? Why in his life did have to be kidnapped twice and now raped.

Jimin was wishing that everything was a false dream from which he will wake up. A terrible nightmare that just seemed to be real. If this is a dream though where is his help? Why has no one rescued him?

Jimin was yearning for someone to save him. Last time he was in hopes of his dear father to come rescue him from Jungkook but, now he hopes Jungkook comes and rescues him from this devil.

As Jimin laid there with his sorrows, tears and thoughts he jolted when he heard the door open and slammed closed. That wolf who just abused him had came into the room looking as if he had ran a marathon being chased by something scary like zombies. Jimin just laid there and stared as the wolf tried to catch his breath.

Dean took in a few deep breaths and saw that Jimin was just laying there observing him. After a few seconds of calming down he made is way over to the omega grabbing his arm and yanking him up to sit.

"Time to go." Dean said in a breathless tone.

Dean pulled Jimin by his arm trying to make the omega stand so they can run, but Jimins legs could not do so. He fell straight to the floor and whimpered in pain.

"Stand bitch we need to get out of here now!" Dean shouted.

With sobs Jimin spoke. "I can't. My body hurts. It hurts so much. I can't move."

Dean's face turned red with anger. Why did this omega have to be fucking weak right now. Dean growled as he bent down to pick up Jimin and throw him over his shoulder.

"Stay still or I'll just kill you right now." Dean was serious he was in too much of hurry to deal with any struggling from the omega. He moved quickly over to the door to open it and peek down the hall on both sides. Seeing that there are no intruders visible he made his way over to the stairs.

He was taking the stairs to the roof because Isaiah was there waiting in the helicopter for them to escape. No way was Dean going to leave behind his big prize that he finally acquired.

Isaiah had made his up to the roof to get the helicopter ready as Dean ran to get the omega. As he was turning on the helicopter to allow the blades to gain their momentum he saw Josiah arrive.

"Hey where's the boss?" Isaiah asked.

"The helicopter is not needed." Josiah said as he quickly pulled out his hand gun and shot Isaiah in the chest three times.

Bang bang bang

Isaiah fell out of the seat and onto the grown as he was bleeding and became lifeless. Josiah quickly ran over to the helicopter to turn it off. He was determined to help the Alphas get their mates back.

Dean had finally made it the roof and was furious to see that the helicopter was not the least bit ready for take off. He quickly tossed Jimin to the ground. As Jimin was dropped he yelped in pain. 

Dean could quickly run now that he dropped Jimin and to start the machine running but, before he could reach it he was taken down by a gun shot to the leg.

Bang bang

"Ahhhh, what the fuck?!" Dean shouted as he looked around to see who shot him. He went wide eyed as he saw it was Josiah. "Why?" Dean asked with gritted teeth because of the pain.

"Because my conscience can't handle the cruelty of your business any longer." Josiah said back to Dean as he walked closer.

Jimin terrified tried to scoot back to the staircase door but, was not able to get very far considering how weak he is right now.


"Our mates scent is moving."

"I know! I know." Jungkook shouted at the wolf for stating the obvious.

Jungkook stopped running so he could focus on where the scent is. As he was sniffing he heard a helicopter starting and the scent had moved up to towards a different floor.

"The roof!"

Jungkook started sprinting again. No way was he going to allow Dean to get away with his mate.


Hey Lovely People sorry the update took awhile. I'm not feeling good this weekend. So I apologize.
Thank you for being patient and reading.


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